Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Caritas Veritate

This blog is set up for those who seek the Truth, thus rejecting moral relativism and the current secular genocide of faith and morals....
I will be posting my own thoughts at times, but will tend to let those who are more eloquent speak to you...

Thought for today---"tolerance is the virtue of those who believe in nothing." G.K. Chesterton

1 comment:

  1. I love G.K. Chesterton and highly recommend

    reading him. Those who belong to the protestant

    thing, often times through no fault of their

    own, are philosophically and theologically in

    chains ... the truth is not in them. We have

    to pray for unity as Jesus prayed to His

    Father..."that they may all be one". We are

    witnessing the proliferation of evil and unity

    and the building of of the church Jesus

    founded would make this dire battle for souls

    much more successful. Protestantism, false

    feminism, birth control, co-habitation,

    homosexual relations, adultry ... feral youth

    running amok with no parental unity to guide

    them, indeed the destruction of the family ...

    against these things we must make the voice of

    truth heard. As for protestants, I have many

    friends, and I speak the truth in their

    company, in season and out, with prayer,

    penance and fasting. As the Catholic Church

    grows in number and in strength of the whole

    truth, so this war for souls will be won to

    greater numbers...

    G.J. Callahan
