Saturday, July 31, 2010

The One True Faith : Mary and the Eucharist

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Church...

The Eucharistic presence of Jesus, body, blood, soul and divinity.

Mary, venerated, honored (not adored)as the Mother of God,
our Mother,
and Mediatrix of all grace through her Divine Spouse.

By the power of the Holy Spirit in Charity and Truth,
through the Chair of Peter.

The Church
Instituted by Christ
for the salvation of the world.

There is no other....

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Christ...

Daily, we have the choice of whether to serve God or, the culture of the world. Jesus tells us we must serve God. Jesus is God made man. The Roman Catholic Church is the only Church that holds the fullness of the Truth. Therefore, daily commit to Christ...or sure death by immersing yourself in the culture.
There remains much rebellion against the Truth. There is a powerful force working in the world to eliminate the Truth--the Christ. But in the end, most assuredly, when He comes,
'at the name of Jesus every knee shall bend...'--or be cast into eternal fire.
We must choose--obedience or rebellion?
Obedience is the easier, softer way-because one always knows the truth and the path to take. The Church has given us this concise framework for living a holy life for over 2,000 years. And we know that as Christ told his Apostles--'the gates of hell shall not rail against her.'
In the end, the Church may be a remnant--perhaps she already is...but those who remain faithful will continue to proclaim the Truth, in season and out of season--for the truth is obedient to The Truth--Jesus, the Christ....Alleluia!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010