Thursday, September 9, 2010

How to save your children...

During one of the cenacles which Fr. Gobbi gave in the United States, he was urged by many concerned people to ask Our Lady specifically what could be done to save the youth from the seductions of the world which were leading many of them astray and causing them to leave the Church. Our Lady gave Fr. Gobbi this definite and final solution to console the parents who are concerned about the salvation of their children:
--Pray the Rosary!
--Every time you pray the Rosary say: "With this Rosary I bind all my children to the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
--In doing so, Our Lady promised to "see to their souls."
Having such a powerful weapon at our disposal, we must make use of it to save our youth. Let us bring all the children, young and old alike, into the refuge of her Immaculate Heart.--Cenacles of the MMP

February 8, 1990

"Now that you are entering into the last decade of this century, during which the decisive events that will bring you to the triumph of my Immaculate Heart will be completed, I am asking you that cenacles among priests, cenacles among the faithful and especially family cenacles be multiplied even more. I am asking in particular that their be formed everywhere children's cenacles, as a crusade of innocent prayer, in order to form a great barrier against the spread of evil and sin, and allow God and your heavenly Mother to bring about the victory of goodness and of love. Go back to your homes in peace, and become the apostles of this Movement of mine...
I am accompanying you with my motherly love, assuring you that I am always at the side of each one of you, and I bless you."

--To the Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons (2009); Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Feast day of the birth of the Blessed Mother of God...

September 8, 1986 [Milan]

"On the feast of my nativity, paradise exults and the Church Suffering and Militant look upon me as a sign of joy, of hope and of motherly consolation.
My birth is cause for your joy. At the moment your heavenly Mother is born, like the rising dawn, the radiant day of your salvation is already near at hand and certain for you. Close to my crib, heaven leaps for joy, with the countless cohorts of angels, who have been forever awaiting this ineffable moment. Round about my crib, there gather festively the spirits of the prophets and the just who have lived, prepared and hoped, in the expectation of this joyous event. Over my crib, with immense love of predilection, the Father bends down as He contemplates his masterpiece of creation; the Word, in the expectation of placing Himself in my virginal and motherly womb; and also the Holy Spirit who is already communicating Himself to my soul with the fullness of love. For this reason, my birth is above all a cause of great joy for you all, who love to call upon me as the cause of your joy.
My birth is also cause for your hope. Even now the Redemption, awaited, longed for and predicted for hundreds of centuries, is about to become a real event of your history. I am born to give birth to Jesus, your Redeemer and Savior. There breaks a new dawn for all humanity. Sin is about to be conquered and, for the Spirit of Evil, the moment of his complete defeat draws near, while all creation prepares itself to receive the gift of its total renewal. For this reason, my birth becomes also a cause of hope for all of you, who love to call upon me as Mother of Hope.
My birth is above all cause for your consolation. The little creature, scarcely born, whom you contemplate again today in her crib, is wondrously intended to become the Mother of Jesus and Mother of all humanity. And this gives you great comfort in the painful times in which you are living. Because you all have an immaculate Mother who knows you, understands you, helps you and defends you. Above all in the bloody hours of the great suffering to which you are being called, how much comfort you find in the sure knowledge that your Heavenly Mother is always at your side, to share your suffering, to strengthen your trust and to be a consolation to your many sorrows.
Do not be afraid. Have no fear. Feel at your side your heavenly Mother, whom you venerate today at the moment of her earthly birth, in order to become, especially in these your times, a cause of joy, of hope and of consolation for all."
--Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests (1987);Interior locution to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP,(#333, pp.512-13).

Prayer: Blessed Virgin Mary, at your birth the patriarchs and prophets rejoiced, for you announced the coming of our salvation. We celebrate your birth and ask your help in our daily lives. In a world filled with violence--particularly against the preborn, the elderly and disabled--fear, and anxiety, help us to be examples of living in gospel joy...Amen

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mary's 'little book...'

January 21, 1984 [Sanctuary of Castlemonte]

"I accept the homage from you, who have come up to my Sanctuary here, to give thanks to your heavenly Mother for the book.
How many difficulties 'my book' has encountered, but how much good has it already done in every part of the world, translated now into so many languages!
It has been the instrument for carrying to the hearts and souls of so many beloved children the voice of the heavenly Mother, the manifestation of my maternal plan, my invitation to receive you all within the refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
How should this book be read?
With the simplicity of a child who is listening to his mother. He doesn't ask why she speaks, or how she speaks, or where her words are going to lead him. He loves her and he listens to her. He does what she says. And then the child is happy, because he feels that in this way he is guided and illumined by his mother. Led by her and informed by her words, each day he continues to grow in life.
So should it be for you. Read it with simplicity, without minding about such problems as how I speak, why I speak, where I am speaking. My only concern is that you live everything I have told you. Then your hearts will be inflamed with love, your souls will be illumined by my light, and I will transform you interiorly to lead you to do each day what pleases the Heart of Jesus.
If you are consecrated to me, I take you just as you are, with your limitations, your defects and sins, your frailty, but then each day I transform you to bring you to be in accordance with the plan which God has entrusted to my Immaculate Heart.
What do I say in this book of mine?
I trace out a simple and beautiful road, but a difficult one, oh how difficult! How necessary it is to travel it, if you wish to live the consecration.
I teach you how to live; I form you in a practical way to live with me.
I tell you the things which I have most on my heart, because they are the very things which Jesus has told you in the Gospel, which today should be lived with the simplicity of the little ones, with the ardor of martyrs, and with the fidelity of courageous witnesses: it should be lived to the letter!
Accordingly I am calling you to prayer, to penitence, to mortification, to the practice of virtue, to trust, to hope, to the exercise of an ever more perfect charity.
This is what I want to tell you. Don't be delayed, therefore, by the predictions I give you in an effort to make you comprehend the times in which you are living.
Like a mother, I am telling you the dangers through which you are going, the imminent threats, the extent of the evils that could happen to you, only because the evils can yet be avoided by you, the dangers can be evaded, the plan of God's justice always can be changed by the force of His merciful love. Also when I predict chastisements to you, remember that everything, at any moment, may be changed by the force of your prayer and your reparative penance.
Do not say therefore: how much of what you predicted to us has not come true! Instead, give thanks with me to the heavenly Father because at the response of your prayer and consecration, your suffering, and on account of the immense suffering of so many of my poor children, again He alters the period of justice, to permit that of the great mercy to come to flower."

--Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests (1987), #282, pp. 411-13