Saturday, January 30, 2010

YouTube - Fearfully And Wonderfully Made - With Lyrics!

I would like to share this video....for Life!

YouTube - Fearfully And Wonderfully Made - With Lyrics!

Queen of the angels...let us end infanticide....

Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee...
blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb...
Holy Mary mother of God pray for us sinners...
now and at the hour of our death....Amen.
"A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope." Pope John Paul II

Friday, January 29, 2010

On reconciliation...

"Pray do not look here, there and everywhere; look only at God and yourself; you will never see God devoid of goodness, nor yourself without wretchedness and that wretchedness the object of God's goodness and mercy." St. Francis de Sales
"The greatest saints have at times believed they had neither contrition nor love, but in the midst of this darkness of the understanding, their will followed the torch of obedience with heroic submission."
R.P. Quadrupani, Barnabite (Light and Peace, 1904)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


"Freedom of will is the capacity to act with moral responsibility; it is not the ability to determine arbitrarily what constitutes moral right."
--Archbishop George Niederauer, San Fransisco
Life Site News, 1/26/10

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Caritas Veritate: A higher calling for today...

Caritas Veritate: A higher calling for today...

Caritas Verite: Caritas Verite

Caritas Verite: Caritas Verite

A higher calling for today...

Many of us live very stessful lives balancing work and family obligations...some of us are suffering financially with job loss at this point. However, we have a higher calling that can elevate us out of the miseries and distress of this temporal world.
Currently, our leaders in Washington, DC continue to attempt to push through 'healthcare' legislation that is in its essence, anti-life, even as a majority of the American people have rejected this.
Prayer is essential to the defeat of this diabolical legislation. Thus, take courage and contact your legislators--via email, or telephone call--and let them know of your opposition to this anti-life agenda.

A reflection for today.......Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother, "See him; he will be for the rise and fall of the multitudes of Israel. He shall stand as a sign of contradiction, while a sword will pierce your own soul. Then the secret thoughts of many may be brought to light." Luke, 2:34-35

As we oppose the anti-life agenda let us ponder these words, "There must be a deep unity among the works of charity on behalf of life...for at each of its stages and conditions, human life is sacred and inviolable, a gift that is indivisible." The Gospel of Life, 87

Finally, to follow Christ is to be essentially a sign of contradiction in a world that insidiously promotes a culture of death. Have courage, meditate and pray--this is our essential calling.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Caritas Veritate

This blog is set up for those who seek the Truth, thus rejecting moral relativism and the current secular genocide of faith and morals....
I will be posting my own thoughts at times, but will tend to let those who are more eloquent speak to you...

Thought for today---"tolerance is the virtue of those who believe in nothing." G.K. Chesterton