Friday, October 1, 2010

My soul is pierced...

"It must be his angel..."
--Acts, 12:15

Reflection: God assigns an angel to watch over us at every moment of our lives. Each unborn child has a Guardian Angel, too.
If God cares enough about each unborn child to create that child and then assign him or her an Angel, then certainly He expects us also to exercise some care and vigilance to speak up for and protect the lives of those children.
Prayer: Send Your Angels, O Lord, to assist all who are tempted to abort, and to all who work to persuade them to choose life.
--Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day (2009)p.144; Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life.

September 15, 1994 [Saskatchewan, Canada]

"My soul is pierced by many souls who are being lost and each day going to hell. Help me to save them. Help me with prayer, with suffering, with your love, with your faithfulness."
"My soul is pierced in seeing into what a dire situation this great country, in which you find yourself, has fallen. It has again become pagan, a victim of materialism and of the mad search for pleasure. The Law of God is more and more violated, and the gift of life is being daily attacked through the innumerable abortions which are being carried out."
"Cry out with a resolute voice, to tell them of my immense sorrow. Announce, without fear, that the great chastisement has already begun and that, to be saved, you must enter as quickly as possible into the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart. Here you will be consoled by me, and you yourselves will give comfort to my soul which, especially in these times, is again being pierced by an immense sorrow."
--To The Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons (2009). Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97); #527, p.827

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bear witness to my humanity....

"When President Ronald Reagan stated in 1984 that during an abortion "the fetus feels pain which is long and agonizing," it set off a furious reaction by pro-choice advocates. They did not want to believe this, nor did they want the public to believe it. But twenty-six medical authorities, including two past presidents of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, stepped forward with a letter documenting that the unborn does in fact feel pain during an abortion."
Their letter says in part:
Mr. President, in drawing attention to the capability of the human fetus to feel pain, you stand on firmly established ground...That the unborn, the prematurely born, and the new-born of the human species is a highly complex, sentient, functioning, individual organism is established scientific fact...Over the last eighteen years, real time ultrasonography, fetoscopy, study of the fetal EKG, and the fetal EEG have demonstrated the remarkable responsiveness of the human fetus to pain, touch, and sound.
"Despite the pro-choice rhetoric, the patients/victims would not likely agree that abortion is easy or painless."
"Registered Nurse Brenda Pratt Shafer recounts her experience of watching a partial-birth abortion:
"I stood at a doctor's side as he performed the partial-birth abortion procedure, and what I saw is branded forever on my mind...On the ultrasound screen, I could see the heart beating...Dr. Haskell went in with forecepts and grabbed the baby's legs and pulled them down into the birth canal. Then he delivered the baby's body and the arms--everything but the head. The doctor kept the baby's head just inside the uterus. The baby's little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors through the back of his head, and the baby's arms jerked out in a flinch, a startle reaction, like a baby does when he thinks that he might fall. The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening and sucked the baby's brains out. Now the baby was completely limp. Dr. Haskell delivered the baby's head. He cut the imbilical cord and delivered the placenta. He threw the baby in a pan, along with the placenta and the instruments he'd used. I saw the baby move in the pan. I asked another nurse and she said it was just 'reflexes.' I have been a nurse for a long time and I have seen alot of death--people maimed in auto accidents, gunshot wounds, you name it. I have seen surgical procedures of every sort. But in all my professional years, I had never witnessed anything like this."
--Pro-Life Answers to Pro-choice Arguments, Randy Alcorn (1995);pp.190-92

The current President of the United States, Barak H. Obama, is a zealot in promoting abortion here and across the globe. This President, while in the Illinois State Legislature voted 3 times against a bill that would have permitted medical care to infants born alive following botched abortions!
Anyone, particularly Christians and Catholics who voted Barak H. Obama into the highest office in this nation are culpable for this on-going slaugher--a slaughter he continues to promote and fund across the globe! Where is your witness to Truth?

Bear Witness to my humanity....

November 15, 1990 [Malvern, PA., USA]

"...the hour of the great trial is on the point of arriving...I have not been listened to. You have continued to walk along the way of rejection of God and of his Law of love. Sins of impurity have become ever more widespread, and immorality has spread like a sea which has submerged all things...recourse to the means of preventing life has become commonplace, while abortions--these killings of innocent children, that cry for vengeance before the face of God--have spread and are performed in every part of your homeland."
"The moment of divine justice and of great mercy has now arrived. You will know the hour of weakness and of poverty, the hour of suffering and defeat, the purifying hour of the great chastisement."
--To the Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009); Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-1997), pp. 661-62.
**Bold italics inserted by the Blog author for emphasis.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Do not be afraid...

The angel said to her, "do not be afraid Mary..."
--Luke, 1:30

Reflection: Such is Gabriel's message today to every pregnant mother. "Do not be afraid" to welcome new life, even when it upsets your plans, changes the direction of your life, and requires you to mature in unexpected ways.
If God creates a life in the womb, He is making you ready, and has plans for that child and for you.
Prayer: Lord, remove all fear from the hearts of those who are pregnant, and fill them with your peace and joy...Amen.
--Pro-life Reflections for Every Day, Fr. Frank Pavone (2009). Priests for Life

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What it will always be...

If abortion became illegal...
One woman told me, "People must think women are stupid. If abortion were illegal and I wanted one, I sure wouldn't use a clothes hanger."
The coat-hanger argument is valid only if the unborn are not human beings, with commensurate human rights. Typically those appealing to the emotions through the use of this argument completely avoid the real issue, since it is easier to talk about coat-hangers than dead children.
[Since 90% of pre-Roe v. Wade abortions were done by doctors--it is safe to assume, however horrific--that there would remain doctors who would continue to commit this genocide. Additionally, with the introduction of 'the morning after pill,' and its newest counterpart 'ella,' chemical abortions would continue through these methods.]
Abortion is horrific primarily because it is a process in which instruments of death invade a woman's body and kill her innocent child. Neither laws nor slogans nor attractive waiting rooms nor advanced medical equipment can change the nature of abortion.
What it is it will always be--the killing of children.
--Excerpt from Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments, Randy Alcorn (1995).

"What sow where the ground makes it its care to destroy the fruit? Where there are many efforts at abortion? Where there is murder before birth? For you do not even let the harlot remain a mere harlot, but make her a murderer also. You see how drunkenness leads to whoredom, whoredom to adultery, adultery to murder; or rather something even worse than murder. For I have no real name to give it, since it does not destroy the thing born but prevents its being born. Why then do you abuse the gift of God and fight with his laws, and follow after what is a curse as if a blessing, and make the place of procreation a chamber for murder, and arm the woman that was given for childbearing unto slaughter?"
--St. John Chrysostom, ca. 340-407 AD

"My Immaculate Heart will triumph over this ailing and materialistic humanity, bent on the mad search for pleasure and comfort, which has built a new civilization without God and has again become pagan, after almost two thousand years since the first announcing of the Gospel...
My Immaculate Heart will triumph over all my poor children, who are carrying the cross of unspeakable suffering of these last times of the purification and the great tribulation. How many are those who are far away! How numerous are the victims of my Adversary, who has established in the world today the summit of his diabolical power."
--June 30, 1994 [Valdragone]; Interior locutions of Fr. Stefan Gobbi, MMP; To the Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, (2009).

40 Days for Life Fall Campaign
Today, let us pray for the conversion of abortionists and all those who work for them. And let us pray that women who are suffering because of choosing abortion will find the healing power of the mercy of Christ.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The People of Judah...

"The people of Judah have done evil in MY eyes, declares the Lord...They have built the high burn their sons and daughters in the fire."--Jeremiah, 7:30-31

Reflection: A woman who saw the photos of aborted babies on the Priests for Life website wrote to us, "Let me state first that I am rarely if ever speechless, I am very outspoken and speak what I feel. The abortion images are jolting, and will haunt me the rest of my life...I will never be silent about this matter again."

Prayer: Jolt us, Lord; awaken us, and preserve us from sin.
--Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day, Fr. Frank Pavone (2009). Priests for Life;
**America will not stop abortion until America sees abortion--these words come from Fr. Frank Pavone. I would encourage anyone who is 'pro-choice' to visit the website and view these photos. If they do not convert you to the cause of LIFE, then may God have mercy on you...
Pray the rosary for the sanctity of human life and the conversion of abortionists, all who work for them, and all who promote this culture of death that permeates the whole world--and our President is violently exporting in our name!