Friday, November 19, 2010

Coming Persecution

John Smeaton, SPUC director: Healthcare justice means going against the anti-life tide, teaches Pope Benedict today

John Smeaton, SPUC director: Healthcare justice means going against the anti-life tide, teaches Pope Benedict today

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Be faithful to the ministry of the word...

Milan, Italy [September 8,1992]

"Be faithful to the ministry of the word."

"How numerous today are those priests who become victims of many errors. These errors are taught, disseminated and propagated under the form of new cultural interpretations of the truth. And thus they are easily accepted, and they lead a great number of my children away from the true faith.
Yours are the times foretold by Holy Scripture. There are arising today many false teachers, who are teaching fables and leading the faithful away from the truth of the Gospel.
You must always preach the Gospel of Jesus with courage in its full literal sense. It is in this way that you remain in the true faith, and you help the little remnant to remain firm in the security of the faith in these times of universal apostasy."

--To The Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, (2009); Interior Locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP [1972-97]
**Italics and Bold emphasis of the blog author.