Friday, September 24, 2010

The Angels of Your Time...

September 29, 1994 (Omaha, Nebraska)

"Today you are celebrating the feast of the Archangels, Gabriel, Raphael and Michael.
They are the Angels of your time. They are the angels of the final time of the purification and the great tribulation.
They are the Angels of your time. To them is entrusted a special task during the period of the trial and the great chastisement. To them befalls the task of saving the people of God, of gathering, from every part of the earth, those who are being called to form part of the little remnant which will remain faithful, in the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
They are the Angels of your time. Above all, they are the Angels who reveal to you the final events described in the sealed Book.
To the Archangel Michael is entrusted the task of leading the cohorts of the angels and of my faithful children into the battle against and well equipped armies of Satan, of evil, of the satanic and masonic forces, now organized on a worldwide scale into a single great force, in order to set themselves against God and against his Christ.
Saint Michael will above all intervene to fight against the ancient enemy, Lucifer, who in the final hour will appear with all the dark power of the Antichrist. His is the task of fighting against him and of conquering him, of driving him out into his reign of darkness and fire, offering to your heavenly Mother the chain with which she will bind him, and the key with which to lock the door of the abyss, from which he will no longer be able to come out to harm the world.
To the Archangel Raphael is entrusted the mission of taking part as a heavenly physician in the great struggle, in order to help you and to heal those who are stricken and wounded.
As he restored sight to Tobit, so too will he give vision to millions of my poor children, who have been made blind by sins, by errors and by the great darkness of your days, so that they may once again believe and contemplate the divine splendor of the truth.
To the Archangel Gabriel is entrusted the great mission of announcing the return of Jesus in glory, to restore his reign in the world.
As the heavenly announcement of the first coming of my Son into the world came through him, so once again he will be the bright messenger of the coming of Jesus in glory. This second coming will take place in the power and the light, with Jesus who will appear upon the clouds of heaven, in the splendor of his divinity, to subject all things to Himself. And thus the divine power of my Son Jesus will be made manifest to the entire created universe.
To the Archangel, who is called 'Power of God' is given the task of announcing to all the closely approaching return of Christ, with the force of his divine power.
For this reason, I invite you today to honor, to pray, and to invoke the protection of these three Archangels, called to carry out such a great mission in the conclusive time of the great tribulation and to bring you into the heart of the final events, through which you are now being called to live with confidence and with great hope."
--To The Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons (2009), Marian Movement of Priests; Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP; pp.528-29 (1973-97).

Our Lady speaks of the power and necessity of the Archangels in this our time...thus, our Heavenly Father gives us an extreme form of protection against the darkness of this world. We should reach out for this protection daily.

During this '40 Days for Life Campaign' let us pray to the Archangels--especially St. Michael, to fight the lies and darkness of the culture of death, to St. Raphael, the healer--that women and men wounded by abortion will seek forgiveness, and that St. Gabriel who announced the coming of Christ over 2000 years ago will soon announce the Second Coming of Christ...the only Way, Truth and Life...

"O Lord, do not withhold Your mercy from sins have so engulfed me that I cannot see...and my heart sinks within me.--Ps. 40:12-13

Reflection: A woman who had an abortion wrote, "I was deceived by all I had read or heard...It was a rough procedure. I knew as soon as my uterus was violated that I had participated in a murder. My spirit fragmented and the evil that was in that clinic came in all around me. I lost my mind."
Prayer:I lift up to You, Lord, all those enduring mental anguish from their abortion. Send your Spirit to heal them.
--Pro-life Reflections for Every Day (2009); Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life, p. 104.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Suffering Religious

John Smeaton, SPUC director: The Catholic Church is the most dangerous heretic in the world's new order

John Smeaton, SPUC director: The Catholic Church is the most dangerous heretic in the world's new order

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Christian citizenship as moral duty...

"Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of..."
--Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg (New York Times, July 7, 2009)

This quote is very telling, regarding the motives of those who promote the 'culture of death' throughout the world. What the Supreme Court Justice revealed is the sinister agenda of the progressive movement--to eliminate those who society deems not worthy of life--minorities, the disabled, the elderly--those who 'cost' rather than 'contribute' to society in their view.
Thus, the virulent promotion of abortion--in the United States and across the globe--with the current President and his emissaries pushing abortion on demand in some of the poorest countries in the world-- to the point of attaching aid [our tax dollars]to whether or not these nations implement 'abortion on demand' into their constitutions.
In this nation, we have abandoned our Christian duty to the most vulnerable, in particular the preborn--by electing the most pro-abortion president this nation has ever had sit in the Oval Office.
This information was not hidden in 2008--yet even among Catholics--he amassed over 50% of their votes...that is an abomination!
The Catholic Church has had the same moral teaching for over 2,000 years, thus those who voted for this President abdicated their moral responsibility by voting for him.
The Church teaches clearly on the duties of citizens. Let me quote from the Catechism, as I believe it is pertinent to the issue of defending life, and promoting moral order....
--"The citizen is obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of civil authorities when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order, to the fundamental rights of persons, or the teaching of the Gospel. Refusing obedience to civil authorities, when their demands are contrary to those of an upright conscience, finds its justification between serving God and serving the political community."--#2242
"It is part of the Church's mission 'to pass moral judgements even in matters related to politics, whenever the fundamental rights of man or the salvation of souls requires it."--#2246
"Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law."--#2271
What is the meaning of our Christian duty then if we first and foremost deny the right to life to our preborn brothers and sisters in Christ?
For those who abdicated that first duty in the 2008 election, and those who continue to seek justification for the genocide of the unborn-- as Christians we must pray for them, educate them, and deny elective office to those who promote this heinous action. We must overwhelm them by exercising our Christian moral duty in the voting booth. This November 2nd election can be our first step.
In our time, the Mother of our Lord has been intervening through apparitions and locutions to humble, holy souls...we must listen to her....
"Be witnesses of prayer. Pray always; pray with the holy rosary. Multiply cenacles of prayer, amongst you priests and with the faithful. Above all, spread all about you family cenacles, which are desired by me as a remedy for the great evils which are today threatening the life of Christian families, through the legitimizing of abortion, of divorce, and of all the methods which prevent life..."
--To The Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons (2009); Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP; #392, p.578 [October 27, 1988]

I do not believe that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg speaks for the majority of Americans. However, this sinister, progressive elite currently controlling the power in this nation will continue to have influence if we permit it.
The two new Justices appointed by the President were appointed because they share his world view. The Senate of the United States confirmed them. Christians in this nation must make it clear by the power of the ballot that we do not subscribe to the most abominable tyranny--state sanctioned homicide of the preborn. This is our duty.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Catholic Heroes

An Apocalyptic Message...

May 13, 1994 [ Bergamo, Italy]
Anniversary of the First Apparition at Fatima

"Again this year you are observing, with a day-long cenacle in the venerated shrine, the anniversary of my first apparition in the Cova da Iria in Fatima.
My Immaculate Heart opens and causes rays of my motherly and merciful love to descend upon you. It is within your time that the fulfillment of the message is taking place, the message which I have given you at Fatima and against which my Adversary has thrown himself in fury, but which will now appear in all its extraordinary importance for the Church and for all humanity.
It is an apocalyptic message.
It has regard to the end of times.
It announces and prepares for the return of my Son Jesus in glory.

--Upon this humanity which has again become pagan, enveloped in the coldness of the denial of God and of rebellion against his Law of love, corrupted by sin and evil, and over whom Satan reigns as a sure victor, I am causing the rays of love and of light from my Immaculate Heart to come down.
They shed light for you upon the way along which you must travel, to return to God along the road of conversion, of prayer and of penance.
Thus my Immaculate Heart becomes today the sure means of salvation for all this humanity, because only in my Immaculate Heart will you find refuge in the moment of the chastisement, comfort in the hour of suffering, relief in the midst of unspeakable afflictions, light in the days of densest darkness, refreshment amidst the flames of the fire which consumes, confidence and hope in a now general despair.
--Upon the Church, darkened and wounded, stricken and betrayed, I am causing the rays of love and of light from my Immaculate Heart to come down. When there will have entered into her the man of iniquity, who will bring to fulfillment the abomination of desolation which will reach its climax in the horrible sacrilege, as the great apostasy will have spread everywhere, then my Immaculate Heart will gather together the little faithful remnant which, in suffering, in prayer and in hope, will await the return of my Son Jesus in glory.
For this reason I urge you today to look to the great light which has spread out from Fatima over the events of this, your century, and which is becoming particularly strong in these last times.
Mine is an apocalyptic message, because you are in the heart of that which has been announced to you in the last and so very important book of Sacred Scripture.
I entrust to the angels of light of my Immaculate Heart the task of bringing you to an understanding of the events, now that I have opened the sealed Book for you."
--To The Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009);Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP; #520, pp.813-15

As a reminder--these interior locutions given to this humble priest were meant first for his brother priests, with him, to establish Mary's great covert movement, the Marian Movement of Priests and then for the priests consecrated to Her to bring the faithful in. What began by the Immmaculate Mother with the cooperation of this humble priest and three other brother priests, has multiplied into over 600,000 priests worldwide and millions of the faithful. Additionally, there are many priests who have privately consecrated themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and live according to what she is asking in these messages.
Cenacles of prayer can consist of two people meditating on the messages and saying the Holy Rosary. Mary is asking in particular for Family Cenacles because of the Satanic attack on the family in this age.
Anyone wishing to have this book can contact the Marian Movement of Priests in the USA, or in your particular country. A copy will be sent. Donations for the book are accepted.
Peace to all...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Shock at the Vatican

The Pierced Soul...

September 15, 1994 [Saskatchewan, Canada]

"'A sword will pierce your soul,'(Luke, 2:35). These words, spoken by the aged Simeon at the moment when I was offering my little Child to the Lord, were proven true during the whole course of my Son Jesus' earthly life.
From his infancy threatened by snares to his hidden youth; from his public life, filled with opposition, to his condemnation to the gibbet; from his ascent of Calvary to his death on the Cross; the entire life of Jesus was a continual fulfillment of this prophecy.
It has been thus also for the Church, the Mystical Body of my Son Jesus. During its earthly journey, in the course of its history, interwoven with pain and blood, how many times my soul has been pierced by a sword!
But above all, in these latter times, is your heavenly Mother's soul pierced with immense pain.
My soul is pierced by the pain of all this poor humanity, which has distanced itself from its Lord in order to follow the idols of pleasure and comfort, of pride and money, of hatred and impurity. How great is the danger into which it can fall, the danger of destroying itself by its own hands!
And so, as an anxious Mother, I am intervening in order to lead it along the road of conversion and penance, or a return to the Lord and of its salvation. But my extraordinary interventions are not accepted; on the contrary, they are often opposed and openly rejected.
My soul is pierced in seeing my Church, prostrate beneath the weight of a most painful agony. Those errors which lead to a loss of faith are being spread more and more within it. Sin is seducing the minds and hearts of many of my children. Many are giving in to the allurements of pleasures and falling into slavery to Satan, who has succeeded in seducing the whole earth.
My Pope is becoming more and more isolated, mocked, criticized and abandoned. Many from among the bishops and the priests are going along the road of disloyalty and are fading away like lights which are now burnt out. Many voracious wolves, in sheep's clothing, are entering in to inflict slaughter on the sheepfold of my Son Jesus.
The Church is now being called to live through the hours of its passion and its bloody immolation.
My soul is pierced by many souls who are being lost and going each day into hell. Help me to save them. Help me with prayer, with suffering, with your love, with your faithfulness. For this reason I am asking you to multiply your cenacles of prayer, in the conclusive time of the great tribulation. In this way, you help me to save many of my poor children, who are walking toward their eternal perdition.
My soul is pierced in seeing into what a dire situation this great country, in which you find yourself, has fallen. It has again become pagan, a victim of materialism and of the mad search for pleasure. The Law of God is more and more violated, and the gift of life is being daily attacked through the innumerable abortions which are being carried out.
Cry out to all with a resolute voice, to tell them of my immense sorrow. Announce, without fear, that the great chastisement has already begun and that, to be saved, you must enter as quickly as possible into the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart. Here, you will be consoled by me, and you yourselves will give comfort to my soul which, especially in these times, is again being pierced by an immense sorrow."
--To The Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons (2009); Interior Locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP; #527, pp.826-27

Sunday, September 19, 2010

40 Days for Life....

This Falls '40 Days for Life Campaign' begins this coming Wednesday, September 22--and ends on election day, November 2, 2010. Thus, the postings on the Blog dedicated to the Mother of God and the Holy Spirit in union with Christ will focus on prayer, reflection, teaching, and our Holy Mother's words on the abomination of abortion spoken through her humble servant Fr. Stefano Gobbi and others....
Jesus tells us in Holy Scripture that some demons can only be cast out through prayer and fasting. Thus, in our time, prayer--particularly the Holy Rosary--and fasting, as well as penance are necessary weapons in casting out this abomination.
The culture of death permeates our world and is not only sanctioned, but virulently pushed by the current President of the United States and his administrators--across the globe. Our tax dollars are being spent surreptitiously across the world by influencing and promoting abortion on demand as particulars of the constitutions of sovereign nations. This is fact.
Thus, I ask all to pray, offer penance and fast of some kind over the next 40 days beginning on Wednesday that leaders will be elected who support life unconditionally--and that our nation will again return to be a beacon of life and hope for the unborn, the elderly and the disabled--all of whom are currently despised by this President, progressive elites in Congress, and all administrative departments of the current presidency...pray on your knees!

September 19, 2010

"The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion."
--Blessed Mother Teresa [Nobel Peace Prize Lecture]

Reflection: You have heard people say that being wrong on abortion outweighs being right on other issues, and that is correct. The full truth is, if you are wrong on abortion, you can't be right on other issues.
To permit abortion, but then to cry out for the right to work, housing, education, health care, and peace is to say that these other rights belong to some people but not to all.
Prayer: Lord, forgive our nation for allowing all the rights of the unborn to be taken away.
--Pro-life Reflections for Every Day, Fr. Frank Pavone, (2009);Priests for Life