Saturday, August 28, 2010

John Smeaton, SPUC director: Thank you Fr Euteneuer for your formidable pro-life leadership!

John Smeaton, SPUC director: Thank you Fr Euteneuer for your formidable pro-life leadership!

The video demonstrates the faithfulness of Fr. Euteneuer to the truths of the Faith--as for Sean Hannity, in his arrogance, and disobedience he demonstrates the anti-truth faction of those who though not following Church teaching continue to call themselves 'catholic.' This I believe is a visible demonstration of what our Holy Father Pope Paul VI called "the smoke of Satan in the Church." The exchange took place some time ago, however its usefulness in teaching the Truth against heresy is timeless.
Thank you for your fidelity, Fr. Euteneuer!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Restoring Honor - 8.28.10

Restoring Honor - 8.28.10

On reparation....

December 31, 1982

Prayer of Reparation, "because the cup of divine justice is full, very full; it is overflowing! See how hatred and sin burst all bounds. Today the majority of mankind no longer observes the Ten Commandments of the Lord. Your God is publicly ignored, denied, offended and blasphemed. The day of the Lord is more and more profaned."

"Daily an attack is being made upon life. Each year, throughout the world, by the tens of millions, innocent children are being slaughtered in their mother's womb and the number of murders, robberies and acts of violence and kidnappings are increasing.
Immorality is spreading like a flood of filth and is being propagated by the means of social communication, especially the cinema, the press and television. By means of this last mentioned, a subtle and diabolical tactic of seduction and corruption has found its way into every family. The most defenseless victims are children and youth, whom I look upon with the tender preoccupation of a mother.

Only the powerful force of prayer and reparative penance will be able to save the world from what the justice of God has prepared because of its obstinate refusal to accept every demand for repentance.

Listen at least to the voice of your heavenly Mother! I need much prayer of reparation and suffering, offered with faith. Pray your rosary always. Live, together with me, in trust and trepidation, because there are in preparation decisive hours which can determine the destiny of all humanity.

I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

--Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests, (1987); #256, pp. 365-65.

What also should be noted in an addendum to his locution is that when Our Lady gave this message to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, we were not at the place that we are today with the Internet, cell phones, etc--and how adept our children are at using this technology. There is much more access to evil through the means of social communication via the internet--pornography in particular. Our children have access to much that debases and dehumanizes. Satan is a real entity and he will use all means to bring souls to perdition.
If we do nothing more than say five decades of the Rosary per day, we have done much not only for the protection and care of our own souls, but offered in reparation we are fully active in the salvation of souls, and with Mary, praying that the Divine Justice will be tempered with Mercy.
Prayer: By your Holy and Immaculate Conception, Oh Mary, deliver us from evil...Amen.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Hour of the Holy Spirit...

Feast of Pentecost, May 30, 1982

"This is its hour. It is the hour of the Holy Spirit who, from the Father and by means of the Son, is given to you ever more and more as a gift, as a sign of the merciful love of God who wants to save mankind.
By the fire of the Spirit of Love, the work of the great purification will be quickly accomplished. The Church groans as it awaits his merciful work of purification.
Through interior sufferings and by means of trials which will bring it to relive the bloody hours of the Passion through which my Son Jesus lived, the Church will be led to its divine splendor.
It will be healed of the wounds of error, which have spread like a hidden cancer and which threaten the deposit of faith. It will be cured of the leprosy of sin, which obscures its sanctity. It will be purified of all those human elements, which separate it from the spirit of the Gospel.
It will be deprived of its earthly goods and purified of many of its means of power, that once again it may become pure, humble, simple and chaste. In its pastors and its flock, it will again be crucified, that it may give perfect witness to the Gospel of Jesus.
Through the power of fire and of blood, the whole world will also be renewed. Humanity will return once again to the glorification of the Father, through Jesus, who will at last have established His reign in your midst.
This is, then, the hour of the Holy Spirit. He will come to you in all His fullness, by means of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, His most beloved spouse."

Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests, (1987); #246, p.349-50

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The need to understand...

The Need to Understand the Situation

"Since God's plan for marriage and the family touches men and women in the concreteness of their daily existence in specific social and cultural situations, the Church ought to apply herself to understanding the situation within which marriage and the family are lived today, in order to fulfill her task of serving.
This understanding is, therefore, an inescapable requirement of the work of evangelization. It is, in fact, to the families of our times that the Church must bring the unchangeable and ever new Gospel of Jesus Christ, just as it is the families involved in the present conditions of the world that are called to accept and to live the plan of God that pertains to them. Moreover, the call and demands of the Spirit resound in the very events of history, and so the Church can also be guided to a more profound understanding of the inexhaustible mystery of marriage and the family by the circumstances, the questions and the anxieties and hopes of the young people, married couples and parents of today.
To this ought to be added a further reflection of particular importance at the present time. Not infrequently ideas and solutions which are very appealing, but which obscure in varying degrees the truth and the dignity of the human person, are offered to the men and women of today, in their sincere and deep search for a response to the important daily problems that affect their married and family life. These views are often supported by the powerful and pervasive organization of the means of social communication, which subtly endanger freedom and the capacity for objective judgement.
Many are already aware of this danger to the human person and are working for the truth. The Church, with her evangelical discernment, joins with them, offering her own service to the truth, to freedom and to the dignity of every man and every woman."
--Pope John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio [The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World](1981);p.14
**Emphasis added by blog author.

Monday, August 23, 2010

From my Immaculate Heart...

October 22, 1981

"From my Immaculate Heart, peace will come to you!"

"At the moment when everything will seem lost, it is then that you will see the extraordinary prodigy of the Woman clothed in the sun, who will manifest herself in all her power.
The darkness will be conquered by a light which will cover the whole world; the cold of hatred, by the fire of love; the great rebellion against God, by a universal return to His merciful fatherly love.
Yes, my beloved sons, you too will have to suffer and some of you, in my Immaculate Heart, will be immolated, but through your generous response the time of great trial will be shortened.
More quickly than you yourselves could think, there will come to you the reign of love and of peace of my Son Jesus, to whom alone is due honor and power and glory for ever and ever."

--Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests, (1987), #234, p.332
[Interior Locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP]