Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stupak folds...heaven weeps...

Today Congressman Bart Stupak folded to pressure from the White House and the Speaker of the House of Representatives--Nancy Pelosi--and declared that he would vote for the current pro-abortion, health care legislation before the House of Representatives. Congressman Stupak states that the Executive Order the President will sign 'tomorrow' will bar federal funds--tax dollars--from being used for abortion. This Executive Order for all intents and purposes will not be worth the piece of paper it is written on...if it did the pro-abortion Congressmen and Congresswomen would be screaming their anger and disdain to every reporter now in Washington to cover this debacle. Do you hear them? I do not. They are silent because they know that the Senate bill that will be 'reconciled' with the House bill being voted on tonight, has no protections for the unborn. In fact, it is virulently anti-life!
Bart Stupak believes or has capitulated his moral principles to the promise of a man who is the most anti-life president this country has ever elected! He can rescind the Executive Order at any time--remember the Mexico City Policy? This nation funds hundreds of thousands of abortions in countries all across the globe because this president rescinded the Mexico City Policy protecting the unborn from this tyranny---He is responsible--we are culpable-- because our tax dollars are paying for this.
Whether you want to believe it or not, we all have the blood of these innocents on our hands!
For those individuals who like to think they are Catholic, yet support this legislation--you are misguided and have poorly formed conscience's. May God enlighten you by his Holy Spirit and have mercy on you...this is not health care. This is diabolical on several fronts and this nation will pay a steep price for the tears flowing from heaven.
Jesus and Mary, have mercy on us!

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