Thursday, April 8, 2010

The hour of the martyrs...

To my Protestant brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus--because many are given false information about the Catholic Church and Her teachings, I wish to clarify that we do not adore the Mother of God, rather we love her and honor her for her great fiat. She has throughout the ages, and most important, in this most recent century, chosen holy souls by which she speaks to the world and exhorts us to prayer and penance--and warns of what will come if the world continues on its present course.
Thus, I invite you to open your hearts to Our Mother, to Her Immaculate Heart where she provides grace, solace, and conversion to Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Please take time and prayerfully read these messages that I am posting...and Catholics alike, I encourage you to purchase this book and prayerfully read it in its the intercession of our Mother we are taken to the Heart of Jesus.
Inner locution to Fr. Stefano Gobbi:
" The pastors and the flock will be struck;for a short while, the Lord will permit it to appear as though the Church has been abandoned by Him. The darkness will grow deeper over the world, which will reach the extreme of its perversion. The more perverted it becomes the more obstinately it will advance along the road of rebellion against God, of idolatry, of blasphemy and of impiety. Thus by its own hand it will draw down upon itself all that which divine justice has decreed for its total purification through darkness, through fire and through blood. This will be the hour of the martyrs who, in great numbers, will shed their blood, and of the remnant who will envy those they see persecuted and slain. Only then will you understand all that I have done for you..."[February 10, 1978].
"Your Mother has now need of your help. I am imploring you with signs which are becoming greater and more numerous: my tears, my apparitions, my messages..."
[January 21, 1978]
Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests, (1987). Marian Movement of Priests.

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