Thursday, April 29, 2010

One faith, one Shepherd, one Church...

He said to them, "Where the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together."
--Luke, 17:37

"And Jesus handed over the keys to Simon, and ascended and returned to Him who had sent Him."
--Aphraates, ca., A. D. 280-post A. D. 345;The Faith of the Early Fathers,(1970), V.1, p.305; William A. Jurgens

The Way of Unity, October 27, 1980
"I am the Mother of unity...
It is the Mother's role to lead back to mutual love, to concord and esteem, and to full communion all those who, by means of baptism, have been incorporated into the very life of my Son Jesus. Some have wanted to put your heavenly Mother aside, precisely in the deceptive prospect of making reunification of Christians easier. This on the contrary has brought on new and more serious obstacles.
A true reunification of Christians is not possible unless it be in the perfection of truth. And truth has been kept intact only in the Catholic Church, which must preserve it, defend it and proclaim it to all without fear.
It is the light of the truth which will draw many of my children to return to the bosom of the only Church founded by Jesus. For this reason, the reunion of all Christians in the Catholic Church will coincide with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world..."

--Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests (1987, pp.303-04).

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