Monday, May 10, 2010

Fidelity to the Gospel...

November 14, 1980

"The power of evangelization is in its fidelity and its authenticity. It is not in the adapting of the message of Christ to the various cultures, but in the bringing of all cultures to Christ...
I am for you Mother and teacher. And so I want to communicate to all of you an enthusiasm for the Gospel. Illumined by its light, announce it to all the peoples of the earth! I am Mother and teacher of all peoples, and the triumph of my Immaculate Heart cannot come in all its fullness, until I have brought them all to my Son Jesus.
Soon the deepest desire of my Son will be fulfilled and, from every part of the five continents, under my guidance, all will hasten to enter into and become part of the one flock under the one Shepherd."

--Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests (1987, pp.306-07).

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