Thursday, June 24, 2010

You will be tested...

You Will be Tested...March 1, 1980

"In the desert Jesus was tempted.
In this desert which I am leading you, you too will be tested by the fire of innumerable temptations and afflictions, and your faithfulness and confidence will be put to a great test.
My Adversary has been given a period of time in which to tempt you. Thus he will set snares for you in all sorts of ways with pride, with lust, with doubts, with discouragement, with curiosity. You will be sifted like wheat and many will be allured by his dangerous deceits.
Follow Jesus in ever resisting his seductions, above all be on the watch because today there are many false christs and false prophets, who are seducing many souls and bringing them to perdition.
Do not be discouraged, my dear sons, I am at your side to point out to you the snares of my Adversary and to help you overcome his seductions. Thus I am strengthening you with the word of God, which was the light that, during her life, guided your heavenly mother.
In the desert, as was Jesus, you too will be prepared for the mission which you must carry out.
For this, your hearts must become purer, you must feel hunger and thirst for the word of God, you must pray and suffer in order to say, with your brother Jesus, upon my Immaculate Heart: 'Father, your will alone be done. You have taken delight in neither holocausts nor sacrifices; but you have prepared a body for me. O God, I come today to do your will.'"
--Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests (1987, p. 279)

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