Thursday, June 10, 2010

Your Victorious Mother...

January 1, 1980
"It is in the joyous mystery of my motherhood that the source of your trust and your hope, at the beginning of this new year, is to be found. You are now being called to enter into a time in which great sufferings await you.
First of all, my Church will have to suffer as it is called to a more intense and painful process of purification.
I am close to it at every moment to help it and comfort it. The more the Church must ascend Calvary, the more will it feel my help and my extraordinary presence. It must now enter into its redemptive passion, in preparation for its most beautiful rebirth.
It is for this moment that, in my Immaculate Heart , a sure help has been provided for you: it is the Vicar of Jesus, the Pope [John Paul II], whom I have given to you that he might be loved, listened to, and followed by you.
For him also, the hours of Gethsemane and of Calvary are now drawing near; and you, my beloved sons, must be his comfort and his defense.
The world too is beginning to live through its most dramatic and painful hours.
In this new year, many things that I foretold you at Fatima will come to pass.
Do not fear; have confidence!
At the most violent hour of the storm , you will see my great light grow brighter and more apparent; the Woman clothed with the sun, with the moon at her feet and about her head a crown of twelve stars!

This is the sign of my victory and yours!
It is your victorious Mother who today, with the Pope, the first of her beloved sons, gathers you all into her Immaculate Heart and blesses you."
--Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests; Marian Movement of Priests, (1987).
Inner-locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi

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