Thursday, July 22, 2010

Affirmation of Mary...

"We may affirm that by the will of God, nothing is given to us without Mary's mediation, in such a way that just as no one can approach the almighty Father but through His Son, so no one, so to speak, can approach Christ but through His Mother."
--Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical, February 2, 1904.

"There is only one under Our Lord among all the children of men who can fulfill perfectly the place of guide and beloved, only one with complete experience and complete love--the Immaculate Virgin. She has explored the way unto the Truth, and attained Him in a measure that no one else ever will or can. She has known all the darknesses that lead unto the light, the depths of suffering that has richly merited her the title of Queen of Martyrs. She alone of all mankind knows the fullness of the glory and the inexpressible joy that awaits at the end of the road. And her beauty is so compelling, and her love so selfless and divine, that if we but lift our eyes unto her we shall love her ardently in return and never wish to be separated from her. And if we but give her our hand, in complete trust, she will guide us safely to the God of All Desires.
--Fr. Nicholas A. Norman, Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1988),p.7

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