Friday, July 16, 2010

Liar and murderer of souls!

That is what Jesus called Satan--from the beginning...
President Obama signed an Executive Order banning federal tax dollars for abortions...this, to deceive Democrats who are marginally prolife at best to vote for his national health care plan.
Yesterday the state of Pennsylvania announced that it would include abortions in its 'high risk' so-called 'health care pools.' The Federal government--meaning our tax dollars--will initially kick in over 160 million dollars to fund these pools.
The only truth here is that abortion is high risk--physically and emotionally for the mother, as well as a mortal sin (murder)...and more clearly it is high risk for the baby...because the outcome is death.
The mother suffers spiritual death by procuring this abomination...and whether you wish to believe it or not--it is an abomination in heaven. The infant suffers the ultimate price--a violent, murderous assault on his/her personhood and dignity in the eyes of choice for this innocent.
Woe to those who voted for Barak Obama...particularly, Catholics--who have a higher moral responsibility! Let us pray for mercy, and that this man will not be elected for a second term....
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us...Amen.

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