Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Legend and myth....

Although this piece was written nearly eighty years ago, I think it even more appropriate for this age in which we live. Distortion of the truth and outright lies have become the order of the day relative to the politics of this nation and the world. We have a president, legislators and judges who seek to destroy the foundational principles on which this nation was built, disregard for the sanctity of human life, the promotion of disordered lifestyles as 'normal' and acceptable, and within that ideology a great hostility toward Christianity--in particular the Church. Where many Protestant denominations continue to line up behind these new 'norms,' accepting the disordered on false premises, the Catholic Church continues to stand--increasingly alone and under pressure--against these abominable and heretical distortions of truth.
Silence is no longer an option. Prayer is our most formidable weapon against evil--but we cannot be silent any longer...we must stand with truth.
"There is Legend and there is Myth. Legend is a story told for beauty and edification; it does not pretend to be a true story, it only says that its morals are true. But all Legends, or very nearly all, have in them a valuable core of historical truth. A man is a thoroughly bad historian who despises legend and will not accept it as one of the sources of history. Myth is a false story which is put forward as true. Being a lie, it does harm always and should be eradicated. To create and accept myths is a universal failing of the human mind. Of this evil, as of all evils, the Faith is the best solvent. There was never a time or place when more numerous or more monstrous myths were swallowed whole than the time and place in which we live; and that is because they have not the Faith.
--Hilaire Belloc, Essays of a Catholic (1931);Tan Books/Publishers, Rockford, Illinois.

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