Friday, August 27, 2010

On reparation....

December 31, 1982

Prayer of Reparation, "because the cup of divine justice is full, very full; it is overflowing! See how hatred and sin burst all bounds. Today the majority of mankind no longer observes the Ten Commandments of the Lord. Your God is publicly ignored, denied, offended and blasphemed. The day of the Lord is more and more profaned."

"Daily an attack is being made upon life. Each year, throughout the world, by the tens of millions, innocent children are being slaughtered in their mother's womb and the number of murders, robberies and acts of violence and kidnappings are increasing.
Immorality is spreading like a flood of filth and is being propagated by the means of social communication, especially the cinema, the press and television. By means of this last mentioned, a subtle and diabolical tactic of seduction and corruption has found its way into every family. The most defenseless victims are children and youth, whom I look upon with the tender preoccupation of a mother.

Only the powerful force of prayer and reparative penance will be able to save the world from what the justice of God has prepared because of its obstinate refusal to accept every demand for repentance.

Listen at least to the voice of your heavenly Mother! I need much prayer of reparation and suffering, offered with faith. Pray your rosary always. Live, together with me, in trust and trepidation, because there are in preparation decisive hours which can determine the destiny of all humanity.

I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

--Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests, (1987); #256, pp. 365-65.

What also should be noted in an addendum to his locution is that when Our Lady gave this message to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, we were not at the place that we are today with the Internet, cell phones, etc--and how adept our children are at using this technology. There is much more access to evil through the means of social communication via the internet--pornography in particular. Our children have access to much that debases and dehumanizes. Satan is a real entity and he will use all means to bring souls to perdition.
If we do nothing more than say five decades of the Rosary per day, we have done much not only for the protection and care of our own souls, but offered in reparation we are fully active in the salvation of souls, and with Mary, praying that the Divine Justice will be tempered with Mercy.
Prayer: By your Holy and Immaculate Conception, Oh Mary, deliver us from evil...Amen.

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