Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Only in my Immaculate Heart...

"Only in my Immaculate Heart is the source of your security."

"Here you are prepared by me for the great struggle which awaits you. Here you are trained by me in prayer, because this is the weapon with which you must fight. Pray always. Every action of yours must truly be a prayer. Live your Mass, which immolates you each day with Jesus. Pray well the Liturgy of the Hours, which consecrates to God the rhythm of your day."
"Recite the Holy Rosary with love and joy. Meditate on my words, which I have communicated to you these past years. They will bring you to understand the Gospel, which must today be lived by you and announced to all."
"This is the hour of the final battle; it is therefore also the hour of my victory."
--Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests;interior locutions to Fr.Stefano Gobbi, #227; July 1, 1981, pp. 322-24, (1987).

Reflection: Although Our Lady specifically addresses priests and the priesthood in these messages, she also calls the lay faithful to increase prayer--particularly the daily recitation of the Holy Rosary, devotion to Jesus in the most Holy Eucharist, and active penance and fasting for the sins of the world.
We are living in a time that daily challenges the Faith in ways never so blatant and manifest. We are at the crucible. The Holy Rosary is our most powerful weapon against moral relativism, atheism, and secular humanism. We are strengthened for this battle by receiving Christ in the most Holy Eucharist as often as we can in the state of sanctifying grace. The 'Culture of Death' is permeating the world. Let our response be fervent prayer, witness, and a call for radical holiness.

Prayer: Holy Mother of God, strengthen our faith, and protect us beneath the mantle of your Immaculate Heart. Amen.

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