Wednesday, September 15, 2010

When the Son of Man returns...

March 13, 1990 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

"You read in the Gospel: 'When the Son of Man returns, will He still find faith on earth?' [Luke, 18:8].
Today I wan to invite you to meditate on these words, uttered by my Son Jesus. They are grave words, which cause one to reflect and which succeed in making you understand the times through which you are living. First of all, you can ask why Jesus has uttered them: to prepare you for His second coming and to describe for you a circumstance which will be indicative of the proximity of His glorious return.
This circumstance is the loss of faith.
Also, in another part of Holy Scripture, in the letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians, it is clearly announced that, before the glorious return of Christ, a great apostasy must take place. The loss of the faith is a true apostasy. The spread of the apostasy is therefore the sign which indicates that the second coming of Christ is, as of now, close at hand.
At Fatima, I have foretold to you that a time would come when the true faith would be lost. These are the times. Your days are marked by this painful and significant situation, which was foretold to you in Holy Scripture: the true faith is in the process of disappearing in an ever increasingly greater number of my children.
The causes of the loss of faith are: (1) the spread of errors which are being propagated and are often taught by the professors of theology in seminaries and in Catholic schools and which thus acquire a certain character of credibility and legitimacy; (2) the open and public rebellion against the authentic Magisterium of the Church, especially against that of the Pope, who has from Christ the duty of preserving the whole Church in the truth of the Catholic faith; (3) the bad example given by those pastors, who have allowed themselves to be completely possessed by the spirit of the world and who become propagators of political and sociological ideologies, rather than messengers of Christ and of His Gospel, thus forgetting the mandate received from Him: 'Go into the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.' [Mark, 16:15].
Thus, in these days of yours, apostasy on the part of many of my poor children is inundating you more and more.
'When the Son of Man returns....'
If indeed His return is close at hand, then my motherly action becomes more concerned and vigorous, in order to assist all my children to remain ever in the truth of the faith. This is why I have asked you to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart. This is why, in these times of yours, I have spread everywhere my Marian Movement of Priests: to form the little flock, reunited in the prayer of the cenacles and watchful in expectation--the flock gathered together and formed by me to ever preserve the true faith.
Thus, when the Son of Man returns, He will still find the faith on earth in all those who will have consecrated themselves to be gathered together in the heavenly garden of my Immaculate Heart."
--To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009);Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP [1973-97], #420, pp.636-38

September 15--Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows
Prayer: Blessed Virgin Mary, you watched in anquish as your son died on the cross for our salvation. Through your sufferings, may the whole Church be ever mindfulof the passion of Jesus. By your prayers, may our eyes be opened to the sufferings of those around us. Following your example, may we be people of compassion and love...Amen.

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