Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Only in the Hearts of the Little Ones...

Mato Grosso, Brazil [February 2, 1990]

"Look at all these children of mine: they are simple; they are little; they are so tried by suffering and by poverty. And yet, see how they have responded with generosity to my request for consecration and prayer.
--This response has been made to me by little children, who love me and surround me with filial tenderness, who gather together in cenacles of prayer, made with me, and who renew together their act of consecration to my Immaculate Heart. The generous response on the part of little children gives such joy to my Immaculate Heart and forms a great force of intercession and of reparation before the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. I ask that children's cenacles be multiplied, in every part of the world, because I am calling them to a crusade of prayer and of consecration for the salvation of the world.
--This response has been made to me by the youth, who in great numbers have accepted in their life the commitment deriving from their consecration to my Immaculate Heart and who are seeking to live it in the effort to flee sin, to keep in the state of sanctifying grace, and to exercise the Christian virtues, especially that of purity. They come together in cenacles to pray with me and to meditate on my word, which gently leads them to live the Gospel of Jesus. The number of young people who are following the way traced out by your heavenly Mother will become greater and greater.
--This response has been made to me by the families who consecrate themselves to my Heart and who gather together in family cenacles, desired by me and which I have asked of you several times. Thus families consecrated to me resist the grave malady of division and of divorce and are preserved from the contagion of the terrible cancer of abortion and of recourse to all the means of impeding life. For this reason, nowhere else as here do you see so many children who are welcomed as the most beautiful and precious gift, granted by the Lord to the families who are still faithful.
--This response has been made to me by the parish,
in all its components; the pastor and the flock entrusted to him. The parish community has consecrated itself to my Immaculate Heart and, each day, gathers together in a cenacle of prayer with me, with the recitation of the holy rosary and prostrating itself in adoration before the Eucharistic Jesus, solemnly exposed on the altar. Thus Jesus is able to release within souls His great power of love and, in this poor and out of the way place, is already bringing about the triumph of His merciful love in the coming of His Eucharistic reign in your midst.
Today, as you are venerating me at the moment when I am carrying in my arms the Child Jesus to the temple of Jerusalem, I announce to you that here my triumph has already begun. Each day, only in the hearts of little ones, am I forging the greatest triumph of my Immaculate Heart."
--To the Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, (2009); Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP, (1973-97), #418, pp. 633-35

Prayer:Convert O Lord, those who promote the legal genocide of the most vulnerable--your children in the womb. Save us O Lord from the Culture of Death permeating our families through the powers of darkness! Amen.

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