Thursday, December 30, 2010

Institutional abandonement of the faith...

To the faithful remnant--hold fast to the faith!

In his book AntiChrist, Fr. Miceli, S. J. wrote about the institutional abandonment of the faith by liberal leaders within the Church during the Modern and Post-Modern Eras--particularly the nearly wholesale retreat from orthodoxy. We are living in the aftermath of this destruction. I quote him below and then end with a few words from our Holy Mother in one of her interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP.
Of this apostasy, Fr. Miceli wrote, "In 1967-72 the leaders of the Catholic institutions and the Vatican held meetings in which the leaders rejected any institutional, statutory, academic allegiance to the teachings of Jesus Christ as transmitted to His Church through the Magisterium. This is institutional apostasy from Christ and His Church."
"The leaders, lusting after secular academic excellence, huge student bodies, expensive scientific complexes, publicity, political clout, and financial power somehow lost sight of the purpose and spirit of the Catholic university. In today's Catholic university, intellectualism is preferred to Catholicism, scientism to faith, and relativism to truth."
"In the name of total liberation, the public demands widespread use of contraception, the right to free and state-financed abortion, the right to trial marriages, the right to choose homosexuality, and the right to enter homosexual and lesbian marriages. These are not marginal demands but are essentially linked to the movement of the total liberation of man from God, from morality, from restrictive positive laws, and from the canons of reason. Progressively these demands deny the very nature of man; they are now moving to the denial or the cancellation of the marriage institution as such. These apostates have legislated these movements into existence and thus the law is now on their side. The Christian view is now outside the law."
"The first aim of the modernists is to convert the Church of Rome to modernism and then to convert the Universal Church. They seek to create a Church in their own image and likeness--a small, Gnostic, elite Church of worldly-wise intellectuals who will dominate the religious thinking and practice of the whole human race."
"Today, in the post-Christian era, neo-modernism [now neo-paganism, blog author] has regrouped its forces under such titles as 'Catholic Opposition' or 'Catholic Dissent' or 'Christian Critics.' This dissent and criticism is leveled against the 'institutional Church' not against the enemies of the Church."
--The AntiChrist, Vincent P. Miceli, S.J. (1981); Roman Catholic Books, P.O. Box 255, Harrison, NY. [Bold print is the emphasis of this Blog author].

Now our Holy Mother speaks
....[May 13, 1990] Anniversary of the first Fatima Apparition.

"I am coming down from heaven, so that the final secrets may be revealed to you and that I may be able thus to prepare you for what, as of now, you must live through, for the purification of the earth.
My third secret, which I revealed here to three little children to whom I appeared and which up to the present has not yet been revealed to you, will be made manifest to all by the very occurrence of the events.
The Church will know the hour of its greatest apostasy. The man of iniquity will penetrate into its interior and will sit in the very temple of God, while the little remnant which will remain faithful will be subjected to the greatest trials and persecutions.
Humanity will live through the moment of its greatest chastisement and thus will remain ready to receive the Lord Jesus who will return to you in glory.
For this reason, especially today, I am coming down again from heaven: through my numerous apparitions; through the messages which I give; and through this extraordinary work of my Marian Movement of Priests, to prepare you to live through the events which are even now in the process of being fulfilled, in order to lead you by the hand to walk along the most difficult and painful segment of this, your second Advent, and to prepare the minds and the hearts of all to receive Jesus at the closely approaching moment of His glorious return."
--To the Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009);Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97). #425, pp.644-45

Thus, have hope and be consoled little faithful remnant for our Mother is here to assist us in these hours of great sorrow and trial.

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