Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The End of Times...

Rubbio, [Vincenzo, Italy] December 31, 1992

"With docility, allow yourselves to be taught by me, beloved children...gather together in prayer and in listening to the word of your heavenly Mother, the Prophetess of these last times.
I have announced to you many times that the end of times and the coming of Jesus in glory is near. Now I want to help you understand the signs described in the Holy Scriptures, which indicate that His glorious return is now close.
--The first sign is the spread of errors, which lead for the loss of faith and to apostasy.
These errors are being propagated by false teachers, by renowned theologians who are no longer teaching the truths of the Gospel, but pernicious heresies based on errors and on human reasonings. It is because of the teaching of these errors that the true faith is being lost and that the great apostasy is spreading everywhere.
'See that no one deceives you. For many will attempt to deceive many people. False prophets will come and will deceive many' [Mt. 24:4-5, 11].
'The day of the Lord will not come unless the great apostasy comes first' [cf. 2 Thes. 2:3].
'There will be false teachers among you. These will seek to introduce disastrous heresies and will even set themselves against the Master who ransomed them. Many will listen to them and will follow their licentious ways. Through their offense, the Christian faith will be reviled. In their greed, they will exploit you with fabrications' [cf. Pt. 2:1-3].
--The second sign is the outbreak of wars and fratricidal struggles, which lead to the prevalence of violence and hatred and a general slackening off of charity, while natural catastrophes, such as epidemics, famines, floods and earthquakes, become more and more frequent.
'When you hear of reports of wars, close at hand or far away, see that you are not alarmed, for these things must happen. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many places. All this will be only the beginning of greater sufferings to come. Evildoing will be so widespread that the love of many will grow cold. But God will save those that persevere until the end' [cf. Mt. 24:6-8, 12-13].
--The third sign is the bloody persecution of those who remain faithful to Jesus and to His Gospel and who stand fast in the true faith. Throughout this all, the Gospel will be preached in every part of the world.
Think, beloved children, of the great persecutions to which the Church is being subjected; think of the apostolic zeal of the recent Popes, above all of my Pope, John Paul II, as he brings to all the nations of the earth the announcement of the Gospel.
'They will hand you over to persecution, and they will kill you. You will be hated by all because of Me. And then many will abandon the faith; they will betray and hate one another. Meanwhile, the message of the kingdom of God will be preached in all the world; all nations must hear it. And then the end will come' [cf. Mt.25:9-10,14].
--The fourth sign is the horrible sacrilege, perpetrated by him who set himself against Christ, that is, the Antichrist. He will enter into the holy temple of God and will sit on his throne and have himself adored as God.
'This one will oppose and exalt himself against everything that men adore and call God. The lawless one will come by the power of Satan, with all the force of false miracles and pretended wonders. He will make use of every kind of wicked deception, in order to work harm' [2 Thes. 2:4, 9-10].
'One day, you will see in the holy place he who commits the horrible sacrilege. The prophet Daniel spoke of this. Let the reader seek to understand' [cf. Mt. 24:15].
Beloved children, in order to understand in what this horrible sacrilege consists, read what has been predicted by the prophet Daniel; 'Go Daniel; these words are to remain secret and sealed until the end time. Many will be cleansed, made white and upright, but the wicked will persist in doing wrong. Not one of the wicked will understand these things, but the wise will comprehend.
Now, from the moment that the daily Sacrifice is abolished and the horrible abomination is set up, there shall be one thousand two-hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he who waits with patience, and attains one thousand three-hundred and thirty-five days' [Dn. 12:9-13.
The Holy Mass is the daily Sacrifice, the pure oblation which is offered to the Lord everywhere, from the rising of the sun to its going down.
The Sacrifice of the Mass renews that which was accomplished by Jesus on Calvary. By accepting the Protestant doctrine, people will hold that the Mass is not a sacrifice but only a sacred meal, that is to say, a remembrance of that which Jesus did at His Last Supper. And thus, the celebration of Holy Mass will be suppressed. In this abolition of the daily Sacrifice consists the horrible sacrilege accomplished by the Antichrist, which will last about three and a half years, namely, one thousand two hundred and ninety days.
--The fifth sign consists in extraordinary phenomena, which occurs in the skies.
'The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; and the stars will fall from the sky; and the powers of the heavens will be shaken' [Mt. 24:29].
The miracle of the sun, which took place at Fatima during my last apparition, is intended to point out to you that you are now entering into the times when these events will take place, events which will prepare for the return of Jesus in glory.
'And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven. All the tribes of the earth will mourn, and men will see the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of heaven, with great power and splendor' [Mt. 24:30].
My beloved ones and children consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, I have wanted to teach you about these signs, which Jesus has pointed out to you in His Gospel, in order to prepare you for the end of the times, because these are about to take place in your days.
The year which is coming to a close, and that which is beginning, form part of the great tribulation, during which the apostasy is spreading, the wars are multiplying, natural catastrophes are occurring in many places, persecutions are intensifying, the announcement of the Gospel is being brought to all nations, extraordinary phenomena are occurring in the sky, and the moment of the full manifestation of the Antichrist is drawing ever nearer.
And so I urge you to remain strong in the faith, secure in trust and ardent in charity. Allow yourselves to be led by me, and gather together, each and all, in the sure refuge of my Immaculate Heart, which I have prepared for you especially during these last times. Read, with me, the signs of your time, and live in peace of heart and in confidence.
I am always with you, to tell you, that the coming about of these signs indicates to you with certainty that the end of the times, with the return of Jesus in glory, is close at hand.
'Learn a lesson from the fig tree: when its branches become tender and sprout the first leaves, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see these things taking place, know that your liberation is near' [cf. Mt. 24:32-33].
--To The Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009); Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP [1973-97]: #485, pp.750-53.
**Bold font is the decision of the Blog author.

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