Thursday, February 3, 2011

Apostles of the Last Times...

Fr. Stefano Gobbi

Dongo (Como, Italy) June 8, 1991

"Today you are celebrating the liturgical memorial of my Immaculate Heart. This is your feast, my beloved ones and children consecrated to me.
You have been chosen by me and called to form part of my victorious cohort. You form part of my estate. I have a great design upon you. This design of mine has been revealed to you in every detail. It must now appear to the Church and to humanity in all its splendor, because these are the times of your maturity and of your public witness.
Show yourselves to all as my consecrated ones, as the apostles of these last times.
As apostles of the last times, you must announce with courage all the truths of the Catholic faith; proclaim the Gospel with force; and resolutely unmask the dangerous heresies which disguise themselves with truth in order to better deceive minds and thus lead astray from the true faith a great number of my children.
As apostles of the last times, you must withstand with the strength of little ones the proud force of the great and the learned, who, seduced by a false science and by vainglory, have torn to pieces the Gospel of Jesus, by propounding an interpretation of it which is rationalistic, humanistic, and entirely erroneous. The times foretold by St. Paul have come, times when many announce false and strange doctrines, and thus they go running after these fables and stray away from the truth of the Gospel.
As apostles of the last times, you must follow Jesus along the road of disdain for the world and for yourselves, of humility, of prayer, of poverty, of silence, of mortification, of charity and of a more profound union with God. You are unknown and despised by the world and by those who surround you; you are often obstructed, marginalized and persecuted, because this suffering is necessary for the fecundity of your mission.
As apostles of the last times, you must now illumine the earth with the light of Christ. Show yourselves to all my children, because I am always with you. Let the faith be the light which illuminates you in these days of apostasy and of great darkness, and, in these times of such a vast infidelity, let it be zeal alone for the glory of my Son Jesus which consumes you.
As apostles of the last times, there befalls you the duty of carrying out the second evangelization, so much asked for by my Pope, John Paul II. Evangelize the Church, which has strayed from the spirit of Christ and has allowed itself to be seduced by the spirit of the world, which has penetrated it deeply and has pervaded it entirely. Evangelize humanity, which has again become pagan after almost two thousand years since the first announcement of the Gospel. Evangelize all men, who have become victims of errors, of evil, and of sin and who let themselves be swept away by the impetuous wind of all the false ideologies. Evangelize the peoples and the nations of the earth, immersed in the darkness of the practical denial of God, as they prostrate themselves in the worship of pleasure, of money, of power, of pride and of impurity.
Your times have come, and I have formed you during these years, so that you may be able to give now your strong witness as faithful disciples of Jesus, even to the shedding of your very own blood.
When, from every part of the earth, all of you, my little children, will give this witness as apostles of the last times, then my Immaculate Heart will have its greatest triumph."
-To The Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009); Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP [1973-97]. #451, pp.687-89. Bold print is the emphasis of the blog author.
Renewal of Baptismal Vows...
I renew my baptismal vows, I renounce Satan and all his works
and all his pomps, I take Jesus Christ for my Model and my Guide
and I promise to be faithful to Him unto the end of my life...Amen.
*Prayer is taken from My Sunday Missal [Latin/English, 1944], Rev. Joseph F. Stedman,
Confraternity of the Precious Blood, Brooklyn, NY.

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