Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Quality of Mercy...

"Should you not have dealt mercifully with your fellow servant, as I dealt with you?"

Matthew, 18:33

Jesus desires mercy more than sacrifice (Mt. 12:7). He declared the merciful "blessed"--for they shall obtain mercy (Mt. 5:7). Because Jesus has fulfilled the demands of justice through His death, mercy is available to all who accept it. Because we live in the season of mercy, we pray:"Lord, have mercy."
The Lord raises up people to share in His ministry of mercy. Mercy means refusing to hold other peoples' sins against them, not giving them what they deserve but forgiving, forgetting, and giving offenders better than they deserve. Mercy is hating the sin but loving the sinner. It is forgiving as the Lord has forgiven us, not just in word but in action. We tend to shun mercy because it is so costly. Look at the price of mercy on Calvary. Even our little share in Christ's suffering (Col. 1:24) seems overwhelmingly expensive.
Our works of mercy are a sign that our faith in Jesus is real (see Jas. 2:24). We all are called to do works of mercy (Rm. 12:8), to reach out to the marginalized, forgotten and rejected. But some are called to manifest the mercy of God in a special way. Let His stream of mercy flow through you.

Prayer: Lord, have mercy through me on my most bitter enemy.
Promise: "Merciless is the judgment on the man who has not shown mercy; but mercy
triumphs over judgment" (Jas. 2:13).
Meditation: Mother Theresa performed works of mercy with supernatural power.
--Seek the Gifts of the Spirit (2001); Presentation Ministries, Cincinnati, OH. 45211
Nihil obstat: July 13, 2001
Imprimatur: July 17, 2001

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