Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Families Consecrated to Me....

Pordenone, Italy [July 23, 1987]

"I look with love on families consecrated to me. In these times I am gathering the families and leading them into the depths of my Immaculate Heart, that they may be able to find refuge and security, comfort and defense. Just as I love to be invoked as Mother and Queen of my priests, so also I love to be invoked as Mother and Queen of the families consecrated to me.
I want to enter families to make you saints, to bring you to the perfection of love, to stay with you, to make your family unity more fruitful and strong.
The most precious good of a family is its children. The children are a sign of a particular predilection on the part of Jesus and of me. The children must be wanted, welcome and cultivated like the most precious gems of a family estate. When I enter into a family, I immediately look after the children; they become also mine. I take them by the hand; I lead them to walk along the road of the realization of a plan of God, which has from all eternity already been clearly traced out for each one of them. I love them. I never abandon them. They become a precious part of my maternal estate.
Do not be afraid; there where I enter in, security enters in with me. Nothing will ever be lacking to you. I make your activity more perfect; I purify your very work.
I share also in all your preoccupations. I know that the preoccupations of a family today are many. They are yours, and they become mine. I share with your sufferings. That is why, in such difficult times as those of the present purification, I am present in families consecrated to me, as a concerned and suffering Mother, who really takes part in all your suffering. Be therefore consoled.
These are my times, 'These,' that is to say the days in which you are living, are 'mine,' because they are times marked by my great and strong presence. These times will become even more mine, the more my victory will broaden out and become stronger, surpassing the victory which at present is that of my Adversary. This presence of mine will become very strong and extraordinary, above all in the families consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. It will become apparent to all and will become for you a source of a special consolation.
So then go forward in confidence, in hope, in silence, in your daily work, in prayer and in humility.
If you all walk along the road which I have traced out for you, if you listen to and put into practice what I have said to you today, your families will be the first buds of my triumph: small, hidden, quiet buds, which are already sprouting in every part of the earth, as though to anticipate the new era and the new times which are even now at your doors.
I encourage you all, and I bless you."--To The Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009); Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP [1973-97}, #358, pp.520-524

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