Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lenten spiritual bouquets for life...

Today, Ash Wednesday begins the Church's Lenten Season. For 40 days we enter the desert--many of us give up things we like to do, to eat, etc.--as a form of penance and mortification.
Today, we also begin the 40 Days for Life Campaign, a time when we try to bring the light of Christ into a world darkened by the genocide of the most innocent among us.
We accomplish this by quiet prayer and witness in front of abortion mills and family planning centers across this nation.
Many individuals who support the sanctity of life are unable to attend these public prayers. Thus, I am suggesting that we can individually, as part of our Lenten 'desert,' commit to saying at least one rosary [5 decades] per week in reparation for the abomination of abortion in this country and across the globe. We can also pray for the conversion of abortionists and all who work in promotion of the 'culture of death.' We have seen miracles happen and there will be more!
Lent is not always about what we deny ourselves--but how we can reform our old selves. It is pro-active. It is a commitment to give more of ourselves for the kingdom of God.
To suffer perhaps by doing something we have never done before--like committing to one rosary per week for the salvation of souls, and reparation for abortion a heinous act that kills one child every 96 seconds in this country alone.
Thus, we offer a spiritual bouquet to heaven--to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary--so wounded and sorrowful.
If we believe what we want to believe and not everything that the Church teaches, perhaps we offer a spiritual bouquet of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and begin a new life in obedience.
There is much we can do for the salvation of our own poor souls, and those of the world--beginning with prayer and ending with prayer in our daily lives.
Much is required of us--but the Way of Life is easy.
Pray...pray...pray...for charity in families, for infants in the womb threatened by abortion...the elderly...the poor...the lonely...the marginalized...and the forgotten--Christ is there.
And pray for your priests and the bishops in union with our holy Pope Benedict XVI.
Pray for the coming reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
Pray always without ceasing!

O! Mary, bright dawn of the new world,
Mother of the living, to you do we
entrust the cause of life.
Grant that all who believe in your Son
may proclaim the Gospel of Life with honesty and love.

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