Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our Lady of La Salette

There is a seamless thread uniting the apparitions from La Salette, through those of more recent times--Fatima, Lourdes, Akita, Medjugorge, San Nicolas, Fr. Stefano Gobbi (MMP). All concern the need for repentance, fasting, daily prayer [in particular, the Holy Rosary], and each more urgent in content. During this season of Lent, I hope that a reading and meditation on this particular apparition may bring more to an understanding of what is needed for conversion. I would also add that it would be beneficial for those seeking daily conversion of heart and a deeper relationship with the Mother of Mercy to read and reflect on the subsequent apparitional messages. You will gain a keen awareness and understanding of the times in which we are now living--from heaven's perspective. And, she will bring you to an ever deeper love for her Divine Son--He Who is Mercy Itself,and His Church...God bless you!

Our Lady of La Salette

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