Sunday, April 11, 2010

God's love revealed...

God's love was revealed to us in this way: 'God sent his only-begotten Son into the world so that we might have life through Him.' John 1:4-9
Reflection: The bible teaches us that God is love, and it likewise teaches us that this love leads to life.
Love always gives life; it never takes it. That's why Christians are pro-life.

Prayer: Father, thank you for revealing your love in Christ, Who is life and gives life. May we be immersed in that love so that we too may always be defenders of life.
--Pro-Life Reflections for Everyday Life, (2009), Fr. Frank Pavone; Priest's for Life. (

To call oneself Catholic, or Christian by any other denomination and 'pro-choice' is to live in spiritual chaos--the darkness of the great Liar. To be 'pro-choice' is to deny Christ and Our Father-the Author of all Life!

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff, thanks. We are indeed slaves to sin, some by choice of will (the wide gate that leads to destruction), and others by force from the outside (faithful christians), but the faithful Catholic, although being subjected to certain legalities from without, speaks out against these from his spirit within, exposing himself (herself) and dying a thousand deaths a day, sacrificing his own life if necessary. The Catholic who is faithful has no life apart from Truth. This is why to be a faithful Catholic means to suffer in the things that others see as silly ... like the passing on of faith to children, the use of birth-control, or people remaining silent on abortion, so as to not offend anyone. Pray in front of an abortion clinic or wear and article of clothing or crucifix to
    proclaim the gospel and you are labeled as "over the top" - "not considerate to the feelings of others" and so on........
