Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The past and the present...

April 3, 1976

"Do you see, my sons, what is happening even in the Church? Errors are being spread more and more and have taken hold of even the good; infidelity is spreading increasingly among the ministers of God and the souls consecrated to Him; even the hierarchy is impaired in the bond of charity and in its unity.
Above all the Vicar of my Son Jesus is left more and more alone! He is calumniated, even in the most vulgar and blasphemous way; he is criticized and challenged and left more and more alone by his own sons. You must share his lot with him: this is for him and for you the hour of Gethsemane.
Live it with me, in my Immaculate Heart.
You are the crown of love woven by me to place, as a source of comfort, about the Heart of my Son Jesus and of his Vicar on earth...your light must shine ever more brightly as the darkness envelopes everything...and yours will be the light of my presence in this most severe trial."--
Our Lady Speaks to Her Priests, 1987.
Reflection: Mary spoke through Fr. Gobbi--at this time, the Vicar of Christ on earth was Pope Paul VI--informing of the darkness that was-- and was to come. In this time of great trial for the Church, and Christ's current Vicar, Benedict XVI, let us remember in the midst of this darkness, first, to pray; then to remember that the Church has withstood her enemies for over 2000 years--because she is the Mystical Body of Christ on earth--she will prevail. To those who attack her, particularly those calling themselves Catholic--be aware that you are directly attacking the Mystical Body of Christ!
Finally, to the Faithful--seek refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary...she will console and protect...and she will never abandon the Church of Her Son!

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