Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The greatest cry...

December 31, 1980

"The moments you are living through are moments of emergency. This is why I have called you all to a more intense prayer and to live with the greatest trust in the merciful love of your heavenly Father.
The golden door of his divine Heart is about to open and Jesus is about to pour forth upon the world the torrents of His Mercy. These are floods of fire and grace, which will transform and renew the whole world.
May your prayer be a powerful force of intercession and of reparation. Let it be the greatest cry which has ever been heard, strong enough to pierce heaven and to constrain the Heart of Jesus to pour out the fullness of His merciful love.
For this, watch and pray with me. My hour and yours has now come. It is the hour of justice and of mercy."

--Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests (1987).

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