Saturday, May 8, 2010

"Yes Father"

March 25, 1981

"Let your yes to the will of the Father be realized in your daily effort to shun and to free yourselves from sin, to live in grace and in the fullness of love; in the effort to recollect yourselves in the intimacy of prayer and of life with Jesus, of reflection and of the understanding of his divine word; in the interior suffering in the face of the great abandonment and the solitude in which man today finds himself.
Yes, Father, to your will, that as in heaven, so also on this earth, your will alone may be done.
Yes, Father, that as in heaven, so may it be done on earth, abandoned as it is and never before so threatened as today.
Yes, Father, to your scorned love, to your outraged presence, to your spurned Word.
Yes, Father, to the gift of your immense mercy which shines forth in your Son whom, through the eyes of the Virgin Mother, you have once for all given us, Jesus-salvation, Jesus-life, Jesus-truth, Jesus-font of divine mercy, Jesus-perfect fulfillment of the divine will.
May your yes, beloved sons, be placed in the yes which the heavenly Mother forever repeats to her God: for the soon-to-come triumph over my Immaculate Heart in the triumph of mercy, and love, of truth and justice."
--Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests, (1987, pp.317-18).

Reflection: Our Holy Mother calls not only her 'beloved priests' in these messages, but time and time again asks for the consecration to her Immaculate Heart--of all Catholics in particular, and our Christian brothers and sisters also...consecrattion to the Heart of Mary brings many graces and much consolation!

Prayer: Holy Mother, let all your children turn to you-- who are full of grace. Collect your children under the mantle of your Immaculate Heart, protect us from the ever encroaching darkness of this world...and lead us to holiness and to the Heart of your Divine Son, Jesus-who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever...Amen.

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