Friday, September 3, 2010

Mary for these times...

"In the Second Coming of the Lord, Mary will be made known in a special way by the Holy Spirit so that through her, Jesus may be better known and served...Mary will shine forth higher than ever in these latter days to bring back poor sinners who have strayed from the family of God..."

"However, souls hardened by impiety will provoke a terrible rebellion against God attempting to lead all souls astray (even those who oppose their revolt) and they will cause many to fall by their threats, snares, and alluring promises...Satan, knowing that he has little time left, will redouble his efforts and his combats. He will conjure up cruel persecutions and put terrible snares in the path of the faithful...Mary will raise up apostles of the latter times to make war against the evil one..."
..."they shall be little and poor in the world's esteem and will even be persecuted by other members of the Body of Christ. But they shall be rich in grace and Mary will bless them abundantly"...
..."they will have recourse to Mary in all things and they will know the shortest and most perfect way of going to Jesus and they will belong entirely to Him"...
"They shall be the true apostles of the latter times, to whom the Lord shall give the word and might to work marvels and to carry off the spoils of His enemies...they shall carry the gold of love in their hearts, the incense of prayer in their spirit, the myrrh of mortification and self-sacrifice in their bodies...they shall be true disciples of Jesus Christ, faithfully following in His footsteps, teaching the narrow way to salvation according to the Holy Gospels"...
"These are the great men who will come at the end of time and Mary is the one who by order of the Most High will fashion them to extend God's Kingdom and to manifest the Lord's victorious triumph over the impious and over all His enemies"...
--St. Louis de Montfort. True Devotion to Mary (1700-16). His works were found by a member of his Order in 1846-47. Publishing began soon thereafter. [Montfort Publications, Bayshore, NY.]

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