Friday, December 17, 2010

Amidst the Mourning...part II

May 30, 1993

"Amidst the mourning of a humanity without God, there will come down the comfort of the Holy Spirit, who will lead the whole world to the perfect glorification of the Heavenly Father, bringing about a new marriage of love between a renewed humanity and its Lord who has created, redeemed and saved it.
Amidst the mourning of a divided, darkened and wounded Church, there will be felt the comfort of the Holy Spirit, who will clothe it with fortitude and wisdom, with grace and holiness, and with love and light, in such a way that it may give its full witness to Jesus, living in it until the end of the world.
Amidst the mourning of souls, made slaves of Satan, immersed in the shadow of sin and death, there will alight the comfort of the Holy Spirit, who will give the light of the presence of God, the life of divine grace, and the fire of love, so that in them the Most Holy and Divine Trinity will be able to take up its permanent dwelling.
Amidst the mourning of the great trial, there will come down the comfort of the divine presence of the Spirit of the Lord, who will lead you to live--with confidence, courage, hope, serenity and love--through the events which are awaiting you.
Then, in the midst of fire, you will feel His refreshment; in the cold, His heat; in the darkness, His light; in mourning, His comfort; in fear, His courage; in weakness, His strength; in great suffering, His divine solace.
And so today, I invite you to unite your prayer to mine, so that the Spirit of the Lord, may come down upon you, with all His gifts...

Come, O Holy Spirit.
Come, and change the face of the earth.
Come, quickly.
Come, in these last times.
Come, now that the great trial has arrived.
Come, and bring us your second Pentecost, so that our eyes may see your greatest miracle, that of the new heavens and new earth."

--To the Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009);Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97). #496, pp.772-74

December 17-Pro-life reflection...

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us
.--John, 1:14

Christmas, for which we are now preparing, is not simply the feast of the birth of Christ; it is the feast of His becoming human, the reality called the Incarnation.
Jesus was an embryo, a fetus. Life in the womb, which was already sacred because it comes from God, is now made even more holy and worthy of our every sacrifice.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, You lived for nine months within the body of the Virgin Mary. Give success to the efforts of all who believe in Your Incarnation to protect every life in the womb.
--Pro-life Reflections for Every Day, Fr. Frank Pavone/Priests for Life [2009].

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