Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I am Glorified...

Jauru, Mato Grosso, Brazil [October 12, 1995]

"My little son, you find yourself again in this place where I am so loved and venerated, in order to hold wonderful cenacles with thousands of children and youth, who have come from even the most distant community. You have also conducted three days of spiritual exercises in the form of a continuous cenacle, with those faithful who are the apostles of my Movement in all of Brazil.
Today you are celebrating, with joy and solemnity, the feast of your heavenly Mother, as Patroness of this great nation. You see how, here, I am glorified everywhere.
--I am glorified by the response which I receive everywhere from many of my children, who have accepted my request to consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart. They are now living in my Immaculate Heart and are a gentle balm which is placed upon every wound of my great sorrow.
See how they love and glorify me. They are the littlest, the poorest, the simplest,the ones whom the world ignores and despises.
Oh! Bring me more and more of these little children of mine, because they are for me the greatest and most precious of treasures.
--I am glorified by the powerful intensity of prayer which is offered to me here in these times of aridity and great dissipation. See how the cenacles have spread everywhere, above all among children and youth and in families.
How many families are being saved from division or have become reunited after years of separation, as a result of the great spread of family cenacles.
These are the powerful means by which my Immaculate Heart gives you to defend the Christian family from the dangers which threaten it, such as infidelity, divisions, separations, recourse to the means of preventing life and those cursed abortions which are being permitted by civil laws but which cry for vengeance in the sight of God.
--I am glorified because, while neglect, disregard, indifference and tepidity toward my Son Jesus truly present in the Eucharist is spreading more and more, here the Eucharistic Jesus receives an unending homage of love, adoration, thanksgiving and reparation.
The Eucharistic Jesus is solemnly exposed upon the altar throughout the whole day, and my little children prostrate themselves in an act of loving adoration before the throne upon which reigns the Victim offered for your salvation.
How, in this place, the Heart of Jesus exults with joy, comfort, consolation and gratitude!
--I am glorified, because in this country my Marian Movement of Priests has spread everywhere, as in no other part of the world.
I bless all these children of mine, who have come from even the most distant places to take part in the three days of continuous cenacle. In them, I am glorified!
I repeat to you again today that Brazil belongs to me; it is my property. I am Mother and Queen of Brazil, and I want to bring to this great nation, where I am so much loved, implored and glorified, the gift of salvation and peace.
Thus what is taking place here becomes a sign for you which indicates to you how, in silence and hiddenness, each day I am bringing about the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the greatest triumph of divine mercy upon the world.
It will soon be completely renewed by the powerful and extraordinary intervention of her whom you invoke as your Queen and Mother of Mercy."

--To the Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009);Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97). #555, pp. 874-76
**Bold print is the emphasis of blog author.

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