Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Feast of the Immaculate Conception...

Milan, Italy (December 8, 1996)

With Joy and with Immense Hope

"Look today, with joy and with immense hope, at your Immaculate Mother.
--With joy, because I am the cause of your joy. This is how you invoke me, with the prayer which is so pleasing to me, in the litany of Loreto. On this day, I invite you to look to me with joy.
--With joy, you contemplate me in the light of my Immaculate Conception. Because I was destined from eternity to become the Mother of the Incarnate Word, the most Holy Trinity has exempted me from any sin whatsoever, even from original sin, which each and every creature contracts at the moment of its human conception.
Thus you see reflected in me the original plan of the Father, who has created man in his own image and for his greatest glory. And the Heavenly Father bows down over me with particular delight.
--With joy, you see me become the Virginal Mother of the Word, who becomes Man in my most pure womb. My Son Jesus is born of me to become your Savior and your Redeemer. In Him alone all humanity has the possibility of being set free from slavery to sin, to join in a communion of life and of love with the Heavenly Father
--With joy, I manifest myself to you, completely filled with the Holy Spirit, who unites Himself to my soul by a true bond of spousal love, because only through his work does the human conception of God-made-man take place within me, and only by his divine action do I become the Mother of God. Because I am beloved Daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, I can truly become the cause of your joy.
But today look at me with immense hope.
--With immense hope, in the days in which humanity knows the sorrowful experience of being far from God, having built up a civilization without God, in which his Law is continually violated and openly rejected. There have arrived for it the hours of the great trial and of its merciful chastisement.
Then as Mother, I make myself present, in a strong and continuous way, in order to help it in its journey of conversion and of return to the Lord. Thus, to all humanity, I open the door of my Immaculate Heart, a safe refuge, wherein it must enter for its salvation.
--With immense hope, the Church looks to me as she lives out the purifying hour of her greatest crisis. She is being permeated with the smoke of Satan, lacerated in her unity, darkened in her holiness, threatened with the loss of faith and with a great apostasy.
For this reason, I manifest myself to the Church, with the tenderness and the mercy of my motherly love, and thus I myself am helping and comforting her, in the painful moments of her great purification. My presence in the Church is, from now on, becoming stronger, continuous and more manifest. In the Marian Movement of Priests, the whole Church will see the extraordinary assistance which the heavenly Mother is offering her, to lead her into the safe refuge of her Immaculate Heart, where she will know the bright hour of her second Pentecost.
--With immense hope, look to me, my little children, so afflicted, wounded and stricken by the impetuous wind of the great tribulation.
Come to me, all of you, my little children.
Come to me, because you have need of being consoled, encouraged, protected, defended and saved by your heavenly Mother.
For this purpose, I have built for you the Ark of the New Covenant, into which you must enter to attain the new times which are now awaiting you. For this purpose, I invite you again today to enter, one and all, with joy and with immense hope, into the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart."--To The Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009); interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP [1973-97]. #584, pp.928-29.

"The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; hence, the holy Offspring to be born will be called Son of God" Luke, 1:35
Prayer: O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you."
Meditation: Mary's virginity was preserved for all time.

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