Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Hour of the Great Trial...

November 15, 1990 [Malvern, Pennsylvania] Spiritual Cenacle with 3 Bishops and 250 priests of the Marian Movement of Priests from the US, Canada, and Latin America...

"Beloved sons, today I want to tell you of the joy and the comfort that my Immaculate Heart feels in seeing you gathered together in such great numbers in these, your spiritual exercises, which you are carrying out in the form of a continuous cenacle...
You are gathered in prayer, offered together with me, by the recitation of the entire rosary, by your listening to my word, by a solemn holy hour of Eucharistic adoration, and by the concelebration of Holy Mass, always presided over by a bishop, during which you renew your act of consecration to my Immaculate Heart.
You have also wished to make more intense your act of love and reparation to Jesus present in the Most Holy Eucharist, by your nocturnal adoration, so pleasing to me and blessed by me, because it has given great comfort and joy to the Eucharistic and priestly Heart of Jesus.
And now, I announce to you that the hour of the great trial is on the point of arriving.
--The great trial has arrived for your country. How many times, as a concerned and sorrowing Mother, have I endeavored to urge my children to follow the path of conversion and return to the Lord.
I have not been listened to. You have continued to walk along the way of rejection of God and of his Law of love. Sins of impurity have become ever more widespread, and immorality has spread like a sea which has submerged all things. Homosexuality, a sin of impurity which is against nature, has been justified; recourse to the means of preventing life has become commonplace, while ">abortions--these killings of innocent children, that cry for vengeance before the face of God
--have spread and are performed in every part of your homeland.
The moment of divine justice and of great mercy has now arrived. You will know the hour of weakness and of poverty, the hour of suffering and defeat, the purifying hour of the great chastisement.
--The great trial has arrived for your Church. Those errors which have brought people to the loss of the true faith have continued to spread. Many pastors have been neither attentive nor vigilant and have allowed many rapacious wolves, clothed as lambs, to insinuate themselves into the flock in order to bring disorder and destruction.
How great is your responsibility, O pastors of the holy Church of God! You continue along the path of division from the Pope and of the rejection of his Magisterium; indeed, in a hidden way, there is in preparation a true schism which could soon become open and proclaimed.
And then, there will remain only a small faithful remnant, over which I will keep watch in the garden of my Immaculate Heart.
--The great trial has arrived for all humanity. The chastisement, predicted by me at Fatima and contained in that part of the secret which has not yet been revealed, is about to take place. The great moment of divine justice and of mercy has come upon the world.
For this reason I have wanted you here. You must be the apostles of the last times. Go out everywhere, and proclaim with strength and courage the Gospel of Jesus. Walk along the path of contempt for the world and for yourselves. Illuminate the earth in these times of great darkness. Cause the rays of the light of your faith, of your holiness and of your love to come down upon the world.
You have been chosen to combat courageously against the power of him who places himself in opposition to Christ, in order to obtain, in the end, my greatest victory.
Leave this cenacle in confidence; leave in joy and in great hope. I am with you. I am manifesting myself by means of you. I will work prodigies in you, so that all will be able to see my light and feel my maternal presence.
Together with your dear ones, together with the souls which are entrusted to you, I bless you all in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
-To The Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009). Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97); #437, pp. 661-62

During this season of Advent let us seek to be lights in the darkness, for the greatest light--the Light of the World--is soon coming.

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