Monday, September 27, 2010

The People of Judah...

"The people of Judah have done evil in MY eyes, declares the Lord...They have built the high burn their sons and daughters in the fire."--Jeremiah, 7:30-31

Reflection: A woman who saw the photos of aborted babies on the Priests for Life website wrote to us, "Let me state first that I am rarely if ever speechless, I am very outspoken and speak what I feel. The abortion images are jolting, and will haunt me the rest of my life...I will never be silent about this matter again."

Prayer: Jolt us, Lord; awaken us, and preserve us from sin.
--Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day, Fr. Frank Pavone (2009). Priests for Life;
**America will not stop abortion until America sees abortion--these words come from Fr. Frank Pavone. I would encourage anyone who is 'pro-choice' to visit the website and view these photos. If they do not convert you to the cause of LIFE, then may God have mercy on you...
Pray the rosary for the sanctity of human life and the conversion of abortionists, all who work for them, and all who promote this culture of death that permeates the whole world--and our President is violently exporting in our name!

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