Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I Reveal My Secret...

Mexico City, Mexico [October 13, 1990]

Anniversary of the last apparition at Fatima

"Today you are recalling my final apparition, which took place in Fatima, on this very day in 1917, and which was confirmed by the miracle of the sun.
Today I announce to you that there is about to be born the new Church of light, which my Son Jesus is forming for Himself in every part of the earth, so that it will be ready to receive Him, with faith and with joy, in the proximate moment of His second coming.
The glorious reign of Christ, which will be established in your midst, with the second coming of Jesus in the world, is close at hand. This is His return to glory. This is His glorious return, to establish His reign in your midst and to bring all humanity, redeemed by His most Precious Blood, back to the state of His new terrestrial paradise.
That which is being prepared is so great that its equal has never existed since the creation of the world. Prepare yourselves with humility, with faith, with intense prayer. Prepare yourselves by gathering together, each and all, in the spiritual cenacle of my Immaculate Heart. Prepare yourselves in silence and in expectation.
I reveal my secret only to the hearts of the little, the simple and the poor, because it is being accepted and believed by them. For this, Jesus is working powerfully in these times, to prepare His coming in the lives of the simple, the poor, the pure, the little.
With a small number of these children, the Lord will soon restore on earth His glorious reign of love, of holiness and of peace."
--For The Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009). Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97); #435, p.659

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