Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Instruments of My Mercy...

Anniversary of the fourth apparition at Fatima [August 13, 1982]

"Beloved children, I am turning my merciful eyes upon you. I am the Mother of Mercy, of Fair Love and of Holy Hope, and my Immaculate Heart trembles with preoccupation for you. How many dangers are menacing you; how many snares my Adversary is setting for you!
In this hour of his rule and his triumph, numerous indeed are my children who are exposed to the danger of being eternally lost.
You see in what a grave situation you find yourselves today: humanity has rebelled against the God of love and is walking along the road of hatred and of sin, which is put forward as something good through the means of social communications.
You are living in a corrupted and unhealthy atmosphere, and you succeed with great difficulty in remaining faithful to the commandments of God, which lead you to walk along the road of love, flee sin and live in grace and holiness.
Thus each day the number of my poor children who allow themselves to be seduced by unbridled egoism, envy and impurity grows greater and greater. The easiest victims, and those who are less guilty, are the young people whose unhappy lot it is to be living at this time when the world has become worse than at the time of the flood.
That is why I feel that I am a gentle and merciful Mother especially to my young children, and I am sowing in their lives words of confidence and salvation. I am opening up their souls for a greater thirst for good; I am opening up their hearts to the joyous experience of true love and self-giving; I am healing their numerous wounds, while I encourage all those who are good to come to their help through prayer, good example and penance.
If you, my beloved children, suffer and pray with me, you will succeed in leading many souls each day along the road which leads to paradise. You then, O children consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, must be today the instruments of my maternal mercy.
'How many souls go to hell because there is no one to pray and sacrifice for them!,' I said to Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia when I appeared to them at Fatima.
Today I say: how many souls you can save from the fire of hell and lead to paradise if, together with me, you pray and sacrifice each day for them!...It is above all in this, my merciful work of salvation and yours, that the triumph of my Heart is being brought about."
--For The Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009); Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97). #249, pp. 326-27 * Bold and Italic are Blog author's.

"For I am not ashamed of the Gospel. It is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: for Jew first, and then Greek. For in it is revealed the righteousness of God from faith to faith; as it is written, "The one who is righteous by faith will live." Romans, 1:16-17
Prayer: Lord, save us from false hopes and deceptive remedies. Only in the paths You point out for us can we find wholeness and salvation.
*Pro-life Prayers for Every Day (2009); Fr. Frank Pavone, p.25

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