Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On the Feast of Divine Mercy....

November 5, 1934. One morning, when it was my duty to open the gate to let out our people who delivered baked goods, I entered the little chapel to visit Jesus for a minute and to renew the intentions of the day. Today, Jesus I offer You all my sufferings, mortifications and prayers for the intention of the Holy Father, so that He may approve the Feast of Mercy. But Jesus, I have one more word to say to You; I am very surprised that You bid me to talk about this Feast of Mercy, for they tell me that there is already such a feast and so why should I talk about it?
And Jesus said to me, "And who knows anything about this feast? No one! Even those who should be proclaiming My mercy and teaching people about it often do not know about it themselves. That is why I want the image to be solemnly blessed on the First Sunday after Easter, and I want it to be venerated publicly so that every soul may know about it.
"Make a novena for the Holy Father's intention. It should consist of thirty-three acts; that is, repetition that many times of the short prayer - which I have taught you -to the Divine Mercy." -From the diary of St. Faustina

The devotion to this request by Our Lord Jesus was first, and for many years, met with indifference or, total neglect. This is not the case today. Divine Mercy Sunday is observed on the first Sunday after Easter...if your parish does not have a copy of the Divine Mercy front and center, so to speak, this coming Sunday--ask your priest why? Jesus has asked for this special day where he offers an outpouring of His Divine Mercy and grace on souls so disposed to receive Him. Hopefully, your priest will express the depths of Christ's Mercy always...and in particular on this day!

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