Sunday, September 19, 2010

40 Days for Life....

This Falls '40 Days for Life Campaign' begins this coming Wednesday, September 22--and ends on election day, November 2, 2010. Thus, the postings on the Blog dedicated to the Mother of God and the Holy Spirit in union with Christ will focus on prayer, reflection, teaching, and our Holy Mother's words on the abomination of abortion spoken through her humble servant Fr. Stefano Gobbi and others....
Jesus tells us in Holy Scripture that some demons can only be cast out through prayer and fasting. Thus, in our time, prayer--particularly the Holy Rosary--and fasting, as well as penance are necessary weapons in casting out this abomination.
The culture of death permeates our world and is not only sanctioned, but virulently pushed by the current President of the United States and his administrators--across the globe. Our tax dollars are being spent surreptitiously across the world by influencing and promoting abortion on demand as particulars of the constitutions of sovereign nations. This is fact.
Thus, I ask all to pray, offer penance and fast of some kind over the next 40 days beginning on Wednesday that leaders will be elected who support life unconditionally--and that our nation will again return to be a beacon of life and hope for the unborn, the elderly and the disabled--all of whom are currently despised by this President, progressive elites in Congress, and all administrative departments of the current presidency...pray on your knees!

September 19, 2010

"The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion."
--Blessed Mother Teresa [Nobel Peace Prize Lecture]

Reflection: You have heard people say that being wrong on abortion outweighs being right on other issues, and that is correct. The full truth is, if you are wrong on abortion, you can't be right on other issues.
To permit abortion, but then to cry out for the right to work, housing, education, health care, and peace is to say that these other rights belong to some people but not to all.
Prayer: Lord, forgive our nation for allowing all the rights of the unborn to be taken away.
--Pro-life Reflections for Every Day, Fr. Frank Pavone, (2009);Priests for Life

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