Friday, September 24, 2010

The Angels of Your Time...

September 29, 1994 (Omaha, Nebraska)

"Today you are celebrating the feast of the Archangels, Gabriel, Raphael and Michael.
They are the Angels of your time. They are the angels of the final time of the purification and the great tribulation.
They are the Angels of your time. To them is entrusted a special task during the period of the trial and the great chastisement. To them befalls the task of saving the people of God, of gathering, from every part of the earth, those who are being called to form part of the little remnant which will remain faithful, in the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
They are the Angels of your time. Above all, they are the Angels who reveal to you the final events described in the sealed Book.
To the Archangel Michael is entrusted the task of leading the cohorts of the angels and of my faithful children into the battle against and well equipped armies of Satan, of evil, of the satanic and masonic forces, now organized on a worldwide scale into a single great force, in order to set themselves against God and against his Christ.
Saint Michael will above all intervene to fight against the ancient enemy, Lucifer, who in the final hour will appear with all the dark power of the Antichrist. His is the task of fighting against him and of conquering him, of driving him out into his reign of darkness and fire, offering to your heavenly Mother the chain with which she will bind him, and the key with which to lock the door of the abyss, from which he will no longer be able to come out to harm the world.
To the Archangel Raphael is entrusted the mission of taking part as a heavenly physician in the great struggle, in order to help you and to heal those who are stricken and wounded.
As he restored sight to Tobit, so too will he give vision to millions of my poor children, who have been made blind by sins, by errors and by the great darkness of your days, so that they may once again believe and contemplate the divine splendor of the truth.
To the Archangel Gabriel is entrusted the great mission of announcing the return of Jesus in glory, to restore his reign in the world.
As the heavenly announcement of the first coming of my Son into the world came through him, so once again he will be the bright messenger of the coming of Jesus in glory. This second coming will take place in the power and the light, with Jesus who will appear upon the clouds of heaven, in the splendor of his divinity, to subject all things to Himself. And thus the divine power of my Son Jesus will be made manifest to the entire created universe.
To the Archangel, who is called 'Power of God' is given the task of announcing to all the closely approaching return of Christ, with the force of his divine power.
For this reason, I invite you today to honor, to pray, and to invoke the protection of these three Archangels, called to carry out such a great mission in the conclusive time of the great tribulation and to bring you into the heart of the final events, through which you are now being called to live with confidence and with great hope."
--To The Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons (2009), Marian Movement of Priests; Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP; pp.528-29 (1973-97).

Our Lady speaks of the power and necessity of the Archangels in this our time...thus, our Heavenly Father gives us an extreme form of protection against the darkness of this world. We should reach out for this protection daily.

During this '40 Days for Life Campaign' let us pray to the Archangels--especially St. Michael, to fight the lies and darkness of the culture of death, to St. Raphael, the healer--that women and men wounded by abortion will seek forgiveness, and that St. Gabriel who announced the coming of Christ over 2000 years ago will soon announce the Second Coming of Christ...the only Way, Truth and Life...

"O Lord, do not withhold Your mercy from sins have so engulfed me that I cannot see...and my heart sinks within me.--Ps. 40:12-13

Reflection: A woman who had an abortion wrote, "I was deceived by all I had read or heard...It was a rough procedure. I knew as soon as my uterus was violated that I had participated in a murder. My spirit fragmented and the evil that was in that clinic came in all around me. I lost my mind."
Prayer:I lift up to You, Lord, all those enduring mental anguish from their abortion. Send your Spirit to heal them.
--Pro-life Reflections for Every Day (2009); Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life, p. 104.

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