Monday, September 20, 2010

The Pierced Soul...

September 15, 1994 [Saskatchewan, Canada]

"'A sword will pierce your soul,'(Luke, 2:35). These words, spoken by the aged Simeon at the moment when I was offering my little Child to the Lord, were proven true during the whole course of my Son Jesus' earthly life.
From his infancy threatened by snares to his hidden youth; from his public life, filled with opposition, to his condemnation to the gibbet; from his ascent of Calvary to his death on the Cross; the entire life of Jesus was a continual fulfillment of this prophecy.
It has been thus also for the Church, the Mystical Body of my Son Jesus. During its earthly journey, in the course of its history, interwoven with pain and blood, how many times my soul has been pierced by a sword!
But above all, in these latter times, is your heavenly Mother's soul pierced with immense pain.
My soul is pierced by the pain of all this poor humanity, which has distanced itself from its Lord in order to follow the idols of pleasure and comfort, of pride and money, of hatred and impurity. How great is the danger into which it can fall, the danger of destroying itself by its own hands!
And so, as an anxious Mother, I am intervening in order to lead it along the road of conversion and penance, or a return to the Lord and of its salvation. But my extraordinary interventions are not accepted; on the contrary, they are often opposed and openly rejected.
My soul is pierced in seeing my Church, prostrate beneath the weight of a most painful agony. Those errors which lead to a loss of faith are being spread more and more within it. Sin is seducing the minds and hearts of many of my children. Many are giving in to the allurements of pleasures and falling into slavery to Satan, who has succeeded in seducing the whole earth.
My Pope is becoming more and more isolated, mocked, criticized and abandoned. Many from among the bishops and the priests are going along the road of disloyalty and are fading away like lights which are now burnt out. Many voracious wolves, in sheep's clothing, are entering in to inflict slaughter on the sheepfold of my Son Jesus.
The Church is now being called to live through the hours of its passion and its bloody immolation.
My soul is pierced by many souls who are being lost and going each day into hell. Help me to save them. Help me with prayer, with suffering, with your love, with your faithfulness. For this reason I am asking you to multiply your cenacles of prayer, in the conclusive time of the great tribulation. In this way, you help me to save many of my poor children, who are walking toward their eternal perdition.
My soul is pierced in seeing into what a dire situation this great country, in which you find yourself, has fallen. It has again become pagan, a victim of materialism and of the mad search for pleasure. The Law of God is more and more violated, and the gift of life is being daily attacked through the innumerable abortions which are being carried out.
Cry out to all with a resolute voice, to tell them of my immense sorrow. Announce, without fear, that the great chastisement has already begun and that, to be saved, you must enter as quickly as possible into the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart. Here, you will be consoled by me, and you yourselves will give comfort to my soul which, especially in these times, is again being pierced by an immense sorrow."
--To The Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons (2009); Interior Locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP; #527, pp.826-27

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