Friday, December 31, 2010

The Pope & the US Bishops

Dives in Misericordia...

Pope John Paul II...on the mercy of God....

"Let us appeal to the love which has maternal characteristics and which, like a mother, follows each of her children, each lost sheep, even if they should number millions, even if in the world evil should prevail over goodness, even if contemporary humanity should deserve a new 'flood' on account of its sins...and if any of our contemporaries do not share the faith and hope which leads me, as servant of Christ and steward of the mysteries of God, to implore God's mercy for humanity in this hour of history, let them at least try to understand the reason for my concern. It is dictated by love for man, for all that is human and which, according to the intuitions of many of our contemporaries, is threatened by immense danger."
--Pope John Paul II, Dives in Misericordia (1980).

December 31, 1993 Milan, Italy [Last night of the year]

Great is My Concern

"Beloved children, spend with me, in recollection and prayer, the last hours of this year which is about to end. Do not let yourselves be taken up with dissipation, clamor, and amusements, in which the majority of my poor children spend these hours. Read, in silence, the signs of your time, and join in my great concern for what awaits you.
--Great is my concern because this humanity, so ailing, is continuing in its obstinate rejection of God and of His law of love. In many ways and with numerous signs and extraordinary interventions, I have intervened in the course of this year, to urge it to conversion, and to its return to the Lord.
But I have not been listened to. The name of the Lord is scorned, and His day is more and more profaned. Egoism is suffocating the hearts of men, become cold and closed due to a great incapacity to love. Life is considered of little value; violence and homicides are increasing; all kinds of means are being used to prevent the birth of more children; willful abortions, this terrible crime which day and night cries to your God for vengeance, are increasing everywhere; impurity is spreading like a great tide of filth which is sweeping everything before it.
The cup of divine justice is full to overflowing. I see the chastisements by which the mercy of God wishes to purify and save this poor sinful humanity. How numerous and great are the sufferings which await you, my poor children, so enticed and ensnared by Satan, the spirit of falsehood, who is seducing you and leading you to your death!
--Great is my concern because my Church is at the mercy of the forces of evil which are threatening it and attempting to destroy it from within. Masonry, with its diabolical power, has set up its center in the very heart of the Church, where the Vicar of my Son Jesus resides, and from there is spreading its evil influence to every part of the world. And now the Church will once again be betrayed by its own; it will be cruelly persecuted and led to the gibbet.
I see that the bloody persecution is now at the doors, and many of you will be scattered by the violent wind of this frightful hurricane.
During these hours, share in my great concern, and unite yourselves, each and all, to my prayer of intercession and reparation . Multiply everywhere the cenacles of prayer which I have asked of you, as safe places, as refuges in which you take shelter in the tremendous storm which awaits you.
In the cenacles, you will be aware of my extraordinary presence.
In the cenacles, you will experience the security and peace which your heavenly Mother gives you.
In the cenacles, you will be preserved from evil and defended from the great dangers which threaten you.
In the cenacles, you will be formed by me in confidence and in a great hope because the cenacle is the place of your salvation, which the heavenly Mother has prepared for you, in these last times in which the great trial has now come for all."
--To the Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009); Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97); #509, pp.795-96

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Institutional abandonement of the faith...

To the faithful remnant--hold fast to the faith!

In his book AntiChrist, Fr. Miceli, S. J. wrote about the institutional abandonment of the faith by liberal leaders within the Church during the Modern and Post-Modern Eras--particularly the nearly wholesale retreat from orthodoxy. We are living in the aftermath of this destruction. I quote him below and then end with a few words from our Holy Mother in one of her interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP.
Of this apostasy, Fr. Miceli wrote, "In 1967-72 the leaders of the Catholic institutions and the Vatican held meetings in which the leaders rejected any institutional, statutory, academic allegiance to the teachings of Jesus Christ as transmitted to His Church through the Magisterium. This is institutional apostasy from Christ and His Church."
"The leaders, lusting after secular academic excellence, huge student bodies, expensive scientific complexes, publicity, political clout, and financial power somehow lost sight of the purpose and spirit of the Catholic university. In today's Catholic university, intellectualism is preferred to Catholicism, scientism to faith, and relativism to truth."
"In the name of total liberation, the public demands widespread use of contraception, the right to free and state-financed abortion, the right to trial marriages, the right to choose homosexuality, and the right to enter homosexual and lesbian marriages. These are not marginal demands but are essentially linked to the movement of the total liberation of man from God, from morality, from restrictive positive laws, and from the canons of reason. Progressively these demands deny the very nature of man; they are now moving to the denial or the cancellation of the marriage institution as such. These apostates have legislated these movements into existence and thus the law is now on their side. The Christian view is now outside the law."
"The first aim of the modernists is to convert the Church of Rome to modernism and then to convert the Universal Church. They seek to create a Church in their own image and likeness--a small, Gnostic, elite Church of worldly-wise intellectuals who will dominate the religious thinking and practice of the whole human race."
"Today, in the post-Christian era, neo-modernism [now neo-paganism, blog author] has regrouped its forces under such titles as 'Catholic Opposition' or 'Catholic Dissent' or 'Christian Critics.' This dissent and criticism is leveled against the 'institutional Church' not against the enemies of the Church."
--The AntiChrist, Vincent P. Miceli, S.J. (1981); Roman Catholic Books, P.O. Box 255, Harrison, NY. [Bold print is the emphasis of this Blog author].

Now our Holy Mother speaks
....[May 13, 1990] Anniversary of the first Fatima Apparition.

"I am coming down from heaven, so that the final secrets may be revealed to you and that I may be able thus to prepare you for what, as of now, you must live through, for the purification of the earth.
My third secret, which I revealed here to three little children to whom I appeared and which up to the present has not yet been revealed to you, will be made manifest to all by the very occurrence of the events.
The Church will know the hour of its greatest apostasy. The man of iniquity will penetrate into its interior and will sit in the very temple of God, while the little remnant which will remain faithful will be subjected to the greatest trials and persecutions.
Humanity will live through the moment of its greatest chastisement and thus will remain ready to receive the Lord Jesus who will return to you in glory.
For this reason, especially today, I am coming down again from heaven: through my numerous apparitions; through the messages which I give; and through this extraordinary work of my Marian Movement of Priests, to prepare you to live through the events which are even now in the process of being fulfilled, in order to lead you by the hand to walk along the most difficult and painful segment of this, your second Advent, and to prepare the minds and the hearts of all to receive Jesus at the closely approaching moment of His glorious return."
--To the Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009);Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97). #425, pp.644-45

Thus, have hope and be consoled little faithful remnant for our Mother is here to assist us in these hours of great sorrow and trial.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Pope's Warning

On faith...

Spiritual Reflections

"It is an error to think that faith is so entirely a gift of God that it is not in our power to increase and strengthen it. Some admit that they have very little faith and excuse themselves on this account for their bad lives. Therefore when they are reproached for having so little faith, it makes no more impression upon them than if you told them they had not the gift of miracles. They admire faith in the saints as a purely gratuitous grace; they persuade themselves that they can do nothing to increase their own faith and that the only thing to do is to remain passive until God grants them that favor; they will make no effort to grow in faith, saying that to do so is quite useless. "I know my faith is weak," they say, "but it is no good me trying to rekindle it; I cannot do it. I wish I were like those saints who without any trouble were detached from everything but God. What is the good of me wishing for these things if God does not intend to give them to me?"
We must get rid of these ideas, see why it is our faith is so weak, and acknowledge that it is our own fault and that, whatever we may say, the truth is that we do not believe because we do not wish to believe.
Of all states to be in, the most wretched is that of a Christian who has but little faith. It would be better to have none because such a one suffers more even in his pleasures than a man of real faith does in the greatest trials: the little he possesses is enough to damn him but not enough to save him. To him faith is like a light which disturbs the rest one finds in darkness and not like the light which brings the joy of day."

--The Spiritual Direction of St. Claude De La Colombiere (1998, Ignatius Press); Translated and arranged by Mother M. Philip, I.B.V.M (1934), the Bar Convent, York, England

"My Immaculate Heart is the way which leads you to His reign. In fact, the triumph of my Immaculate Heart will coincide with the triumph of my Son, Jesus, in His glorious reign of holiness and of grace, of love and of justice, of mercy and of peace, which will be established in the whole world.
For this reason I am inviting you today to prayer and to trust; I am calling you to peace of heart and to joy because the glorious reign of the Lord Jesus is already at the gates..."
--To the Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP [2009]; Interior Locutions to Father Stefano Gobbi, MMp, [1973-97]. #339, pp.488-89.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

This Holy Night....

Como, Italy [December 24, 1993]

"Recollect yourselves with me, in silence and expectation. Forget every other preoccupation, and enter into the quiet of prayer. Live together with me this precious moment which precedes the birth of my divine Child.
This is the night of love and of light.
This is the night of reconciliation and of peace.
This is the holy night.

Share in the joy of your heavenly Mother, who feels that the moment of her virginal motherhood has now come.
For me, it is as though everything that surrounds me is far away: the fatigue of the journey to Bethlehem; the noise of the crowded caravan; the anxious search to find a place to spend the night; the sad surprise before each door as it is closed; the trusting confidence before a poor little cave which opens itself to us.
The gentle and loving assistance of my most chaste spouse, Joseph, surrounds me like a caress. It is he who seeks to make the place more hospitable; who prepares the crib in a warmer manger; who looks about for a shield against the rigor of the cold; who stays close to me and joins in my great prayer; who sees the heavens open; who contemplates in wonder the prodigy, hears the song of the angels and is conscious of the peace which comes down from heaven; who opens the door to the poor and the little ones and graciously accepts the simple gifts of the shepherds.
As for myself, I am absorbed in a profound rapture: the face of the Father is revealed to me, and I contemplate the divine mystery of His merciful love; the Word, who has taken human form in my virginal womb, becomes present in my motherly arms as a newborn Babe, and I cover Him with kisses and tears; the Holy Spirit looks with pleasure on the fruit [of His overshadowing].
Beloved children, live with me in this profound rapture throughout this holy night.
It is Love which is born into a world consumed with hatred. It is Light which dawns upon the long season of deep darkness. It is the awaited Reconciliation between a lost humanity and its Lord who loves and redeems it. It is Peace which comes down from heaven upon all men of goodwill.
Enter with me into the mystery of this holy night. For the great trial has now arrived for all. Violence and the fire of hatred are bringing death to the world. A deep darkness enwraps this humanity, which no longer sees light. The pact of the Covenant is again broken by men who have openly rebelled against their God. And wars, rebellions and destruction fill your journey with tears and blood. For you, the time of the great trial has come.
And so, once again, I invite you to let yourselves be carried by me into the mystery of this holy night. And then, like Joseph, exert yourselves earnestly to open up the souls and hearts of men to receive Jesus in his second coming. And do not allow yourselves to be taken up with vain and useless preoccupations, but keep watch with me in prayer and in the expectation of His now closely approaching return in glory."-To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009);Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97). #508, pp.793-94.

"In this brilliant night which illuminates the joy of the Holy Trinity, Jesus, the gentle little child of the hour, will change the darkness of my soul into torrents of light."

--St. Therese of Lisieux

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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My Purity and Yours....

Udine Italy, February 14, 1985 [after recitation of the Rosary]

"I am the Mother of Purity. I am the ever Virgin Mother. I am Immaculate Whiteness, the Splendor of Heaven, which reflects the light of the Most Holy Trinity upon the world, the dawn which puts and end to night, the Mother of Grace who drives away every sin from you, the Medicine of Paradise which, like soothing balm, closes up all your wounds.
I am the all-beautiful Mother: tota pulchra, tota pulchra!
I have been pure in body, not only through having always kept it intact from the slightest sin of impurity, but also because the Lord has willed to make His divine masterpiece shine forth in it in a marvelous way. My body, which, through its function of motherhood, had to be opened at the moment of the gift of the Son and to break the enchantment of its integrity, through a singular privilege remained intact. Thus I was able to give you my Son, while the virginal wrapping, by means of which even at the moment of my gift of motherhood I remained ever a virgin, remained intact:
Virgin before birth, because that which took place in me was solely the work of the Holy Spirit;
Virgin during birth, because that which was accomplished at that moment was the working of the Most Holy spirit--en-wrapped by the light of God and of his secret, before Him alone took place the miraculous birth of my divine Son;
Virgin after birth, because nothing ever disturbed the inviolate charm of my most pure body, called to guard my immaculate soul, so that in the person of your heavenly Mother there should be able to shine out, in a perfect way, the most holy splendor of the Divine Trinity.
Defend this privilege of mine, which is denied by many today in a facile and banal manner; defend it always."
--To the Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009); Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97). #305, pp.428-30.

December 23

There has been born to you a Savior, Who is Christ, the Lord. Lk. 2:11

Reflection: From the beginning of time, prophets announced that the Messiah of the Lord would come. "Messiah," or "Christ" means "Anointed One."
On Christmas, this prophecy was fulfilled in a surprising way, because the angels did not simply announce that Jesus was the Messiah of the Lord. They said the newborn child was Messiah AND Lord.
Prayer: Fill us, Lord, with the wonder of God joining our human family and raising our dignity beyond our imagination.
--Pro-life Reflections for Every Day (2009); Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Offensive Christ

A world in need of conversion...

"Moved by profound concern for the destiny of every man and woman...a great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the world.
Through special initiatives and through daily prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lover of life, from every Christian community, from every group and association, from every family and from the heart of every believer: Jesus himself has shown us by his own example that prayer and fasting are the first and most effective weapons against the forces of evil (cf. Mt. 4:1-11). As he taught his disciples, some demons cannot be driven out except in this way (cf. Mk 9:29). Let us therefore discover anew the humility and the courage to pray and fast so that the power from on high will break down the walls of lies and deceit: the walls which conceal from the sight of so many of our brothers and sisters the evil of practices and laws which are hostile to life. May this same power turn their hearts to resolutions and goals inspired by the civilization of life and love"
[John Paul II, The Gospel of Life, #100]

December 22

He did not spare His own Son...How then can He fail also to give us everything else...? [Romans, 8:32].
Reflection: The song "Grown up Christmas List" speaks of a list for a world in need. This list includes, "no more lives torn apart, that wars may never start...that right would always win."
Christmas is a time for wishing boldly for good things. Let us write our Christmas list with confidence.
Prayer: Father, increase our longing that every life may be safe from the violence of abortion and euthanasia, and from the ravages of poverty, crime, and war.
--Pro-life Reflections for Every Day (2009); Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

Friday, December 17, 2010

Amidst the Mourning...part II

May 30, 1993

"Amidst the mourning of a humanity without God, there will come down the comfort of the Holy Spirit, who will lead the whole world to the perfect glorification of the Heavenly Father, bringing about a new marriage of love between a renewed humanity and its Lord who has created, redeemed and saved it.
Amidst the mourning of a divided, darkened and wounded Church, there will be felt the comfort of the Holy Spirit, who will clothe it with fortitude and wisdom, with grace and holiness, and with love and light, in such a way that it may give its full witness to Jesus, living in it until the end of the world.
Amidst the mourning of souls, made slaves of Satan, immersed in the shadow of sin and death, there will alight the comfort of the Holy Spirit, who will give the light of the presence of God, the life of divine grace, and the fire of love, so that in them the Most Holy and Divine Trinity will be able to take up its permanent dwelling.
Amidst the mourning of the great trial, there will come down the comfort of the divine presence of the Spirit of the Lord, who will lead you to live--with confidence, courage, hope, serenity and love--through the events which are awaiting you.
Then, in the midst of fire, you will feel His refreshment; in the cold, His heat; in the darkness, His light; in mourning, His comfort; in fear, His courage; in weakness, His strength; in great suffering, His divine solace.
And so today, I invite you to unite your prayer to mine, so that the Spirit of the Lord, may come down upon you, with all His gifts...

Come, O Holy Spirit.
Come, and change the face of the earth.
Come, quickly.
Come, in these last times.
Come, now that the great trial has arrived.
Come, and bring us your second Pentecost, so that our eyes may see your greatest miracle, that of the new heavens and new earth."

--To the Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009);Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97). #496, pp.772-74

December 17-Pro-life reflection...

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us
.--John, 1:14

Christmas, for which we are now preparing, is not simply the feast of the birth of Christ; it is the feast of His becoming human, the reality called the Incarnation.
Jesus was an embryo, a fetus. Life in the womb, which was already sacred because it comes from God, is now made even more holy and worthy of our every sacrifice.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, You lived for nine months within the body of the Virgin Mary. Give success to the efforts of all who believe in Your Incarnation to protect every life in the womb.
--Pro-life Reflections for Every Day, Fr. Frank Pavone/Priests for Life [2009].

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Advent meditations...

We need look no further than the womb of Mary, Mother of God to understand the sanctity of human life in the womb from the moment of conception....
As we approach the coming of Emmanuel--He who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life I will be posting from Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day by Fr. Frank Pavone with the interior locutions received by Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP for further meditation.

December 16

Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days...They will neither harm nor destroy on all My holy mountain. Isa. 65:20, 25
Reflection: Christ's coming heralds a new harmony in all of nature, including between mother and child.
Advent leads us to the Silent Night when the whole world finds joy in His birth, a joy no longer threatened by violence.
Prayer: Lord, may your birth shed protection on all about to be born, and as we work to end abortion, may we "wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ."--Pro-life Reflections for Every Day, Fr. Frank Pavone (2009);

Comfort Amidst Mourning Notre Dame de Laus [May 30, 1993]

"This decisive time of the purification and the great tribulation is the time of the Holy Spirit. And so I renew again today my invitation to multiply the cenacles of prayer, which I have asked for, with such motherly insistence.
Let children come together in cenacles, because their innocent prayer, united to mine, has today a great power of intercession and reparation. From how many evils you have already been spared, because of the prayer of these little children of mine!
I want to gather young people together in cenacles, so that they may experience my motherly presence, the presence of a Mother who loves them, protects them from the great dangers to which they are exposed, and who leads them with gentle firmness, along the road of goodness, of love, of purity and of holiness.
The cenacles which I have asked of families are a precious gift to them, so that in them they may experience the joy of my presence, the comfort of my assistance, and the help offered against the grave evils which threaten their very existence. In these cenacles the Holy Spirit will come down to lead you to the second Pentecost.
It is necessary, above all in these last times, that the Church and all humanity be transformed into a continuous cenacle of prayer, made with me and through me. Then the Holy Spirit will come down as a comfort upon the mourning of your days, in which the great trial has already come.
---To the Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP [2009]; Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP [1973-97]. #496, pp.772-74

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cultural Ghetto

I am Glorified...

Jauru, Mato Grosso, Brazil [October 12, 1995]

"My little son, you find yourself again in this place where I am so loved and venerated, in order to hold wonderful cenacles with thousands of children and youth, who have come from even the most distant community. You have also conducted three days of spiritual exercises in the form of a continuous cenacle, with those faithful who are the apostles of my Movement in all of Brazil.
Today you are celebrating, with joy and solemnity, the feast of your heavenly Mother, as Patroness of this great nation. You see how, here, I am glorified everywhere.
--I am glorified by the response which I receive everywhere from many of my children, who have accepted my request to consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart. They are now living in my Immaculate Heart and are a gentle balm which is placed upon every wound of my great sorrow.
See how they love and glorify me. They are the littlest, the poorest, the simplest,the ones whom the world ignores and despises.
Oh! Bring me more and more of these little children of mine, because they are for me the greatest and most precious of treasures.
--I am glorified by the powerful intensity of prayer which is offered to me here in these times of aridity and great dissipation. See how the cenacles have spread everywhere, above all among children and youth and in families.
How many families are being saved from division or have become reunited after years of separation, as a result of the great spread of family cenacles.
These are the powerful means by which my Immaculate Heart gives you to defend the Christian family from the dangers which threaten it, such as infidelity, divisions, separations, recourse to the means of preventing life and those cursed abortions which are being permitted by civil laws but which cry for vengeance in the sight of God.
--I am glorified because, while neglect, disregard, indifference and tepidity toward my Son Jesus truly present in the Eucharist is spreading more and more, here the Eucharistic Jesus receives an unending homage of love, adoration, thanksgiving and reparation.
The Eucharistic Jesus is solemnly exposed upon the altar throughout the whole day, and my little children prostrate themselves in an act of loving adoration before the throne upon which reigns the Victim offered for your salvation.
How, in this place, the Heart of Jesus exults with joy, comfort, consolation and gratitude!
--I am glorified, because in this country my Marian Movement of Priests has spread everywhere, as in no other part of the world.
I bless all these children of mine, who have come from even the most distant places to take part in the three days of continuous cenacle. In them, I am glorified!
I repeat to you again today that Brazil belongs to me; it is my property. I am Mother and Queen of Brazil, and I want to bring to this great nation, where I am so much loved, implored and glorified, the gift of salvation and peace.
Thus what is taking place here becomes a sign for you which indicates to you how, in silence and hiddenness, each day I am bringing about the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the greatest triumph of divine mercy upon the world.
It will soon be completely renewed by the powerful and extraordinary intervention of her whom you invoke as your Queen and Mother of Mercy."

--To the Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009);Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97). #555, pp. 874-76
**Bold print is the emphasis of blog author.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mary and Pope John Paul II...

Salzburg, Austria (May 13, 1991); Anniversary of the First Fatima Apparition

The Pope of My Secret

"Today you are gathered here in this, my venerated shrine, in a cenacle made up of very many priests and faithful of my Marian Movement of Priests. You are observing in this way the anniversary of my first apparition, which took place in Fatima on the thirteenth of May 1917.
You are aware of being spiritually united with my Pope, John Paul II, this precious gift which my Immaculate Heart has made to you, who, in these very moments, is in prayer at the Cova da Iria, to thank me for the motherly and extraordinary protection which I gave him, by saving his life, on the occasion of the bloody attempt made upon it, which took place ten years ago in Saint Peter's Square.
Today I confirm for you that this is the Pope of my secret, the Pope about whom I spoke to the children during the apparitions, the Pope of my love and of my sorrow. With great courage and with superhuman strength, he goes about every part of the world, heedless of the fatigue and the many dangers, in order to confirm all in the faith, and thus he carries out his apostolic ministry as successor of Peter, Vicar of Christ, universal Pastor of the holy Catholic Church, founded on the rock of my Son, Jesus.
The Pope gives to all the light of Christ, in these times of great darkness. With vigor, he confirms us in the truth of the faith, in these times of general apostasy. He invites us to walk along the road of love and of peace, in these times of violence, of hatred, of tumult and of war.
My Immaculate Heart is wounded in seeing how, all about him, there is an expanding emptiness and indifference; contestation on the part of some of my poor children--bishops, priests, religious and faithful; haughty opposition to his Magisterium. For this reason, my Church is today wounded by a deep division; it is threatened with the loss of the true faith; it is pervaded with an infidelity which is becoming greater and greater.
When this Pope will have completed the task which Jesus has entrusted to him and I will come down from heaven to receive his sacrifice, all of you will be cloaked in a dense darkness of apostasy, which will then become general.
There will remain faithful only that little remnant which, in these years, by accepting my motherly invitation, has let itself be enfolded in the secure refuge of my Immaculate Heart. And it will be this little faithful remnant, prepared and formed by me, that will have the task of receiving Christ, who will return to you in glory, bringing about in this way the beginning of the new era which awaits you."
--To The Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009). Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97). #449, pp. 684-85

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Feast of the Immaculate Conception...

Milan, Italy (December 8, 1996)

With Joy and with Immense Hope

"Look today, with joy and with immense hope, at your Immaculate Mother.
--With joy, because I am the cause of your joy. This is how you invoke me, with the prayer which is so pleasing to me, in the litany of Loreto. On this day, I invite you to look to me with joy.
--With joy, you contemplate me in the light of my Immaculate Conception. Because I was destined from eternity to become the Mother of the Incarnate Word, the most Holy Trinity has exempted me from any sin whatsoever, even from original sin, which each and every creature contracts at the moment of its human conception.
Thus you see reflected in me the original plan of the Father, who has created man in his own image and for his greatest glory. And the Heavenly Father bows down over me with particular delight.
--With joy, you see me become the Virginal Mother of the Word, who becomes Man in my most pure womb. My Son Jesus is born of me to become your Savior and your Redeemer. In Him alone all humanity has the possibility of being set free from slavery to sin, to join in a communion of life and of love with the Heavenly Father
--With joy, I manifest myself to you, completely filled with the Holy Spirit, who unites Himself to my soul by a true bond of spousal love, because only through his work does the human conception of God-made-man take place within me, and only by his divine action do I become the Mother of God. Because I am beloved Daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, I can truly become the cause of your joy.
But today look at me with immense hope.
--With immense hope, in the days in which humanity knows the sorrowful experience of being far from God, having built up a civilization without God, in which his Law is continually violated and openly rejected. There have arrived for it the hours of the great trial and of its merciful chastisement.
Then as Mother, I make myself present, in a strong and continuous way, in order to help it in its journey of conversion and of return to the Lord. Thus, to all humanity, I open the door of my Immaculate Heart, a safe refuge, wherein it must enter for its salvation.
--With immense hope, the Church looks to me as she lives out the purifying hour of her greatest crisis. She is being permeated with the smoke of Satan, lacerated in her unity, darkened in her holiness, threatened with the loss of faith and with a great apostasy.
For this reason, I manifest myself to the Church, with the tenderness and the mercy of my motherly love, and thus I myself am helping and comforting her, in the painful moments of her great purification. My presence in the Church is, from now on, becoming stronger, continuous and more manifest. In the Marian Movement of Priests, the whole Church will see the extraordinary assistance which the heavenly Mother is offering her, to lead her into the safe refuge of her Immaculate Heart, where she will know the bright hour of her second Pentecost.
--With immense hope, look to me, my little children, so afflicted, wounded and stricken by the impetuous wind of the great tribulation.
Come to me, all of you, my little children.
Come to me, because you have need of being consoled, encouraged, protected, defended and saved by your heavenly Mother.
For this purpose, I have built for you the Ark of the New Covenant, into which you must enter to attain the new times which are now awaiting you. For this purpose, I invite you again today to enter, one and all, with joy and with immense hope, into the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart."--To The Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009); interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP [1973-97]. #584, pp.928-29.

"The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; hence, the holy Offspring to be born will be called Son of God" Luke, 1:35
Prayer: O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you."
Meditation: Mary's virginity was preserved for all time.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Hour of the Great Trial...

November 15, 1990 [Malvern, Pennsylvania] Spiritual Cenacle with 3 Bishops and 250 priests of the Marian Movement of Priests from the US, Canada, and Latin America...

"Beloved sons, today I want to tell you of the joy and the comfort that my Immaculate Heart feels in seeing you gathered together in such great numbers in these, your spiritual exercises, which you are carrying out in the form of a continuous cenacle...
You are gathered in prayer, offered together with me, by the recitation of the entire rosary, by your listening to my word, by a solemn holy hour of Eucharistic adoration, and by the concelebration of Holy Mass, always presided over by a bishop, during which you renew your act of consecration to my Immaculate Heart.
You have also wished to make more intense your act of love and reparation to Jesus present in the Most Holy Eucharist, by your nocturnal adoration, so pleasing to me and blessed by me, because it has given great comfort and joy to the Eucharistic and priestly Heart of Jesus.
And now, I announce to you that the hour of the great trial is on the point of arriving.
--The great trial has arrived for your country. How many times, as a concerned and sorrowing Mother, have I endeavored to urge my children to follow the path of conversion and return to the Lord.
I have not been listened to. You have continued to walk along the way of rejection of God and of his Law of love. Sins of impurity have become ever more widespread, and immorality has spread like a sea which has submerged all things. Homosexuality, a sin of impurity which is against nature, has been justified; recourse to the means of preventing life has become commonplace, while ">abortions--these killings of innocent children, that cry for vengeance before the face of God
--have spread and are performed in every part of your homeland.
The moment of divine justice and of great mercy has now arrived. You will know the hour of weakness and of poverty, the hour of suffering and defeat, the purifying hour of the great chastisement.
--The great trial has arrived for your Church. Those errors which have brought people to the loss of the true faith have continued to spread. Many pastors have been neither attentive nor vigilant and have allowed many rapacious wolves, clothed as lambs, to insinuate themselves into the flock in order to bring disorder and destruction.
How great is your responsibility, O pastors of the holy Church of God! You continue along the path of division from the Pope and of the rejection of his Magisterium; indeed, in a hidden way, there is in preparation a true schism which could soon become open and proclaimed.
And then, there will remain only a small faithful remnant, over which I will keep watch in the garden of my Immaculate Heart.
--The great trial has arrived for all humanity. The chastisement, predicted by me at Fatima and contained in that part of the secret which has not yet been revealed, is about to take place. The great moment of divine justice and of mercy has come upon the world.
For this reason I have wanted you here. You must be the apostles of the last times. Go out everywhere, and proclaim with strength and courage the Gospel of Jesus. Walk along the path of contempt for the world and for yourselves. Illuminate the earth in these times of great darkness. Cause the rays of the light of your faith, of your holiness and of your love to come down upon the world.
You have been chosen to combat courageously against the power of him who places himself in opposition to Christ, in order to obtain, in the end, my greatest victory.
Leave this cenacle in confidence; leave in joy and in great hope. I am with you. I am manifesting myself by means of you. I will work prodigies in you, so that all will be able to see my light and feel my maternal presence.
Together with your dear ones, together with the souls which are entrusted to you, I bless you all in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
-To The Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009). Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97); #437, pp. 661-62

During this season of Advent let us seek to be lights in the darkness, for the greatest light--the Light of the World--is soon coming.

Friday, November 26, 2010

On prayer....

Retreat Notes [Lyons, 1674]

"When we are distracted during prayer and find the time long because of our impatience to pass on to something else, it is good to say to yourself: My soul, art thou tired of thy God? Art thou not satisfied with Him? Thou possessest him and dost thou seek for something else? Where canst thou be better than in his company? Where canst thou profit more? I have experienced that this calms the mind and unites it with God."
-- The Spiritual Direction of St. Claude De La Colombiere, p.14.
**Translated and arranged by Mother M. Philip, I.B.V.M. (1934); Ignatius Press, (1998).

Sao Paulo (Brazil) February 11, 1993 Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

"Another danger which threatens you is that of allowing yourself to be taken up with inordinate activity, and so forgetting the powerful force which prayer has in obtaining the grace of conversion of many of my poor sinful children. And so I have invited you to pray much for the conversion of sinners, by showing you, through my little daughter Bernadette, that the most efficacious prayer, the prayer which is most preferred by me, is that of the holy rosary..."
--To The Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009). Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97), #488, pp.760-62

As we enter the holy season of Advent let us unite our hearts in a more contemplative way to the hearts of Jesus and Mary...praying in union with them for the salvation of souls and conversion of sinners. Let us remind ourselves that we are all in need of conversion and Divine Mercy-- coming to us this season as the infant who is our Lord and Redeemer!
Blessed be His Holy Name...amen.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On detachment...and change...

"One great mean of detaching our heart from earthly things is to change our employment often: we become attached unconsciously and take root as we easily see by the difficulty we have in changing our usual customs. To have to leave a place where we are known and have friends is like a kind of death. A thought that will help us to bear these separations bravely is that God goes with me everywhere: I shall find the same Lord where I am going as I have here; from this point of view, there is no separation. I shall find the same God there as I pray to here, the same God who knows me, loves me, and whom I long to love."
--St. Claude de la Colombiere, Spiritual Notes, Lyons (1674).
**The Spiritual Direction of St. Claude de la Columbiere, Translated and arranged by Mother M. Philip, I.B.V.M., The Bar Convent, NY.(1934); Ignatius Press,San Fransisco, (1998).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Be faithful to the ministry of the word...

Milan, Italy [September 8,1992]

"Be faithful to the ministry of the word."

"How numerous today are those priests who become victims of many errors. These errors are taught, disseminated and propagated under the form of new cultural interpretations of the truth. And thus they are easily accepted, and they lead a great number of my children away from the true faith.
Yours are the times foretold by Holy Scripture. There are arising today many false teachers, who are teaching fables and leading the faithful away from the truth of the Gospel.
You must always preach the Gospel of Jesus with courage in its full literal sense. It is in this way that you remain in the true faith, and you help the little remnant to remain firm in the security of the faith in these times of universal apostasy."

--To The Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, (2009); Interior Locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP [1972-97]
**Italics and Bold emphasis of the blog author.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Only in the Hearts of the Little Ones...

Mato Grosso, Brazil [February 2, 1990]

"Look at all these children of mine: they are simple; they are little; they are so tried by suffering and by poverty. And yet, see how they have responded with generosity to my request for consecration and prayer.
--This response has been made to me by little children, who love me and surround me with filial tenderness, who gather together in cenacles of prayer, made with me, and who renew together their act of consecration to my Immaculate Heart. The generous response on the part of little children gives such joy to my Immaculate Heart and forms a great force of intercession and of reparation before the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. I ask that children's cenacles be multiplied, in every part of the world, because I am calling them to a crusade of prayer and of consecration for the salvation of the world.
--This response has been made to me by the youth, who in great numbers have accepted in their life the commitment deriving from their consecration to my Immaculate Heart and who are seeking to live it in the effort to flee sin, to keep in the state of sanctifying grace, and to exercise the Christian virtues, especially that of purity. They come together in cenacles to pray with me and to meditate on my word, which gently leads them to live the Gospel of Jesus. The number of young people who are following the way traced out by your heavenly Mother will become greater and greater.
--This response has been made to me by the families who consecrate themselves to my Heart and who gather together in family cenacles, desired by me and which I have asked of you several times. Thus families consecrated to me resist the grave malady of division and of divorce and are preserved from the contagion of the terrible cancer of abortion and of recourse to all the means of impeding life. For this reason, nowhere else as here do you see so many children who are welcomed as the most beautiful and precious gift, granted by the Lord to the families who are still faithful.
--This response has been made to me by the parish,
in all its components; the pastor and the flock entrusted to him. The parish community has consecrated itself to my Immaculate Heart and, each day, gathers together in a cenacle of prayer with me, with the recitation of the holy rosary and prostrating itself in adoration before the Eucharistic Jesus, solemnly exposed on the altar. Thus Jesus is able to release within souls His great power of love and, in this poor and out of the way place, is already bringing about the triumph of His merciful love in the coming of His Eucharistic reign in your midst.
Today, as you are venerating me at the moment when I am carrying in my arms the Child Jesus to the temple of Jerusalem, I announce to you that here my triumph has already begun. Each day, only in the hearts of little ones, am I forging the greatest triumph of my Immaculate Heart."
--To the Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, (2009); Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP, (1973-97), #418, pp. 633-35

Prayer:Convert O Lord, those who promote the legal genocide of the most vulnerable--your children in the womb. Save us O Lord from the Culture of Death permeating our families through the powers of darkness! Amen.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Crowbar

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Pope of My Secret...

Tomorrow, October 16th is the anniversary of the date Pope John Paul II became the Vicar of Christ on earth (1978). This internal locution to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (May 17, 1991) on the anniversary of the first apparition at Fatima was given during a prayer cenacle in Salzburg, is a message for contemplation.....

"Today you are gathered here in this, my venerated shrine, in a cenacle made up of very many priests and faithful of my Marian Movement of Priests. You are observing in this way the anniversary of my first apparition, which took place in Fatima on the thirteenth of May 1917.
You are aware of being spiritually united with my Pope, John Paul II, this precious gift which my Immaculate Heart has made to you, who, in these very moments, is in prayer at the Cova da Iria, to thank me for the motherly and extraordinary protection which I gave him, by saving his life, on the occasion of the bloody attempt made upon it, which took place ten years ago in St. Peter's Square.
Today I confirm for you that this is the Pope of my secret,the Pope about whom I spoke to the children during the apparitions, the Pope of my love and of my sorrow. With great courage and with superhuman strength, he goes about every part of the world, heedless of the fatigue and the many dangers, in order to confirm all in the faith, and thus he carries out his apostolic ministry as successor of Peter, Vicar of Christ, universal Pastor of the holy Catholic Church, founded on the rock of my Son, Jesus.
The Pope gives to all the light of Christ, in these times of great darkness. With vigor, he confirms us in the truth of the faith, in these times of general apostasy. He invites us to walk along the road of love and of peace, in these times of violence, of hatred, of tumult and war.
My Immaculate Heart is wounded in seeing how, all about him, there is an expanding emptiness and indifference; contestation on the part of some of my poor children--bishops, priests, religious and faithful; haughty opposition to his Magisterium. For this reason, my Church is today wounded by a deep division; it is threatened with the loss of the true faith; it is pervaded with an infidelity which is becoming greater and greater.
When this Pope will have completed the task which Jesus has entrusted to him and I will come down from heaven to receive his sacrifice, all of you will be cloaked in a dense darkness of apostasy, which will then become general.
There will remain faithful only that little remnant which, in these years, by accepting my motherly invitation, has let itself be enfolded in the secure refuge of my Immaculate Heart. And it will be this little faithful remnant, prepared and formed by me, that will have the task of receiving Christ, who will return to you in glory, bringing about in this way the beginning of the new era which awaits you."

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blessed is she who believed...

October 7

"Blessed is she who believed that what the Lord has said to her would be fulfilled."
--Luke, 1:45

Reflection: The Rosary is a devotion strongly embraced by the pro-life movement. In the Hail Mary we praise a mother, and we worship the fruit of her womb. Our salvation began because a mother said yes to the life within her!
In the Rosary we also say, "Pray for us sinners." We know that sin is in the world, but we start by repenting of the sin within us. That is the best way to rebuild the Culture of Life.
Prayer: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
--Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day, Fr. Frank Pavone (2009);pg. 147

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It is the hour of my great sorrow...

September 15, 1992 [Teramo, Italy]

"It is the hour of my great sorrow for the Church, my dearly beloved Daughter.
How grievously the Church is suffering in these times, as she carries her great cross and climbs the bloodstained Calvary of her passion and her bloody immolation!
Never before, as today, has the Church been made so utterly like my Son Jesus. She is like Him in solitude and abandonment; she is like Him in denial and betrayal; she is like Him in contempt and condemnation; she is like Him in her crucifixion and in her agony.
This is the hour of my great sorrow for the Church, because the hour of her redemptive passion has come.
It is the hour of my great sorrow for humanity, so ill and so reduced to slavery by the spirits of evil.
The diabolical powers are ruling the earth and producing everywhere the wicked fruits of their dark reign. And thus this humanity has again become pagan, after almost two thousand years of its redemption and of the first announcement of the Gospel of salvation.
Faithlessness and impiety again cover it; sins wound it; evil poisons it; pride rules it; impurity seduces it; egoism and hatred enchain it; Satan reduces it more and more to slavery and reigns over you with his diabolical power.
This is the hour of my great sorrow for all this poor humanity, under the control of the spirits of evil, because the hour of its great chastisement has now come.
It is the hour of my great sorrow for you, my children.
How heavy has the burden of your suffering become during these days! With tear-filled eyes, I look at the little children who have been led precociously into experiences of evil and sin; at the youth who have been ensnared and betrayed by the society in which they live, youth to whom false values have been proposed and who have now become victims of impurity and drugs; at the families who have become divided and destroyed; at the poor who are dying of hunger; at those who have been tortured and killed by wars; at the sick who are denied care and assistance; at the abandoned, the isolated, the despairing; at those who are in agony and those who are dying.
As Mother, I am today at the side of each and every one who is groaning under the weight of their cross. Never do I abandon you; I am with you above all at the moment of your greatest need.
This is the hour of my great sorrow for all of you, my poor children, because the time of your great suffering has come.
Take refuge in me. Hasten to the sure refuge of my Immaculate Heart, because we must live together through the hour of the greatest trial, which has now come for you, for the Church and for all humanity."--To The Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons (2009);Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP, #477, pp.732-33.

As the forces of the Culture of Death pervade increasingly in society, one must seek the Heart of Mary, the Mother of our Redeemer...for protection and care of our families, and for the unborn children threatened by the most intrinsic evil--abortion. Pray for the Church and return of the faithful. Contemplate these words and seek refuge under the mantle of her Immaculate Heart.

Friday, October 1, 2010

My soul is pierced...

"It must be his angel..."
--Acts, 12:15

Reflection: God assigns an angel to watch over us at every moment of our lives. Each unborn child has a Guardian Angel, too.
If God cares enough about each unborn child to create that child and then assign him or her an Angel, then certainly He expects us also to exercise some care and vigilance to speak up for and protect the lives of those children.
Prayer: Send Your Angels, O Lord, to assist all who are tempted to abort, and to all who work to persuade them to choose life.
--Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day (2009)p.144; Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life.

September 15, 1994 [Saskatchewan, Canada]

"My soul is pierced by many souls who are being lost and each day going to hell. Help me to save them. Help me with prayer, with suffering, with your love, with your faithfulness."
"My soul is pierced in seeing into what a dire situation this great country, in which you find yourself, has fallen. It has again become pagan, a victim of materialism and of the mad search for pleasure. The Law of God is more and more violated, and the gift of life is being daily attacked through the innumerable abortions which are being carried out."
"Cry out with a resolute voice, to tell them of my immense sorrow. Announce, without fear, that the great chastisement has already begun and that, to be saved, you must enter as quickly as possible into the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart. Here you will be consoled by me, and you yourselves will give comfort to my soul which, especially in these times, is again being pierced by an immense sorrow."
--To The Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons (2009). Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-97); #527, p.827

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bear witness to my humanity....

"When President Ronald Reagan stated in 1984 that during an abortion "the fetus feels pain which is long and agonizing," it set off a furious reaction by pro-choice advocates. They did not want to believe this, nor did they want the public to believe it. But twenty-six medical authorities, including two past presidents of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, stepped forward with a letter documenting that the unborn does in fact feel pain during an abortion."
Their letter says in part:
Mr. President, in drawing attention to the capability of the human fetus to feel pain, you stand on firmly established ground...That the unborn, the prematurely born, and the new-born of the human species is a highly complex, sentient, functioning, individual organism is established scientific fact...Over the last eighteen years, real time ultrasonography, fetoscopy, study of the fetal EKG, and the fetal EEG have demonstrated the remarkable responsiveness of the human fetus to pain, touch, and sound.
"Despite the pro-choice rhetoric, the patients/victims would not likely agree that abortion is easy or painless."
"Registered Nurse Brenda Pratt Shafer recounts her experience of watching a partial-birth abortion:
"I stood at a doctor's side as he performed the partial-birth abortion procedure, and what I saw is branded forever on my mind...On the ultrasound screen, I could see the heart beating...Dr. Haskell went in with forecepts and grabbed the baby's legs and pulled them down into the birth canal. Then he delivered the baby's body and the arms--everything but the head. The doctor kept the baby's head just inside the uterus. The baby's little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors through the back of his head, and the baby's arms jerked out in a flinch, a startle reaction, like a baby does when he thinks that he might fall. The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening and sucked the baby's brains out. Now the baby was completely limp. Dr. Haskell delivered the baby's head. He cut the imbilical cord and delivered the placenta. He threw the baby in a pan, along with the placenta and the instruments he'd used. I saw the baby move in the pan. I asked another nurse and she said it was just 'reflexes.' I have been a nurse for a long time and I have seen alot of death--people maimed in auto accidents, gunshot wounds, you name it. I have seen surgical procedures of every sort. But in all my professional years, I had never witnessed anything like this."
--Pro-Life Answers to Pro-choice Arguments, Randy Alcorn (1995);pp.190-92

The current President of the United States, Barak H. Obama, is a zealot in promoting abortion here and across the globe. This President, while in the Illinois State Legislature voted 3 times against a bill that would have permitted medical care to infants born alive following botched abortions!
Anyone, particularly Christians and Catholics who voted Barak H. Obama into the highest office in this nation are culpable for this on-going slaugher--a slaughter he continues to promote and fund across the globe! Where is your witness to Truth?

Bear Witness to my humanity....

November 15, 1990 [Malvern, PA., USA]

"...the hour of the great trial is on the point of arriving...I have not been listened to. You have continued to walk along the way of rejection of God and of his Law of love. Sins of impurity have become ever more widespread, and immorality has spread like a sea which has submerged all things...recourse to the means of preventing life has become commonplace, while abortions--these killings of innocent children, that cry for vengeance before the face of God--have spread and are performed in every part of your homeland."
"The moment of divine justice and of great mercy has now arrived. You will know the hour of weakness and of poverty, the hour of suffering and defeat, the purifying hour of the great chastisement."
--To the Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009); Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP (1973-1997), pp. 661-62.
**Bold italics inserted by the Blog author for emphasis.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Do not be afraid...

The angel said to her, "do not be afraid Mary..."
--Luke, 1:30

Reflection: Such is Gabriel's message today to every pregnant mother. "Do not be afraid" to welcome new life, even when it upsets your plans, changes the direction of your life, and requires you to mature in unexpected ways.
If God creates a life in the womb, He is making you ready, and has plans for that child and for you.
Prayer: Lord, remove all fear from the hearts of those who are pregnant, and fill them with your peace and joy...Amen.
--Pro-life Reflections for Every Day, Fr. Frank Pavone (2009). Priests for Life

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What it will always be...

If abortion became illegal...
One woman told me, "People must think women are stupid. If abortion were illegal and I wanted one, I sure wouldn't use a clothes hanger."
The coat-hanger argument is valid only if the unborn are not human beings, with commensurate human rights. Typically those appealing to the emotions through the use of this argument completely avoid the real issue, since it is easier to talk about coat-hangers than dead children.
[Since 90% of pre-Roe v. Wade abortions were done by doctors--it is safe to assume, however horrific--that there would remain doctors who would continue to commit this genocide. Additionally, with the introduction of 'the morning after pill,' and its newest counterpart 'ella,' chemical abortions would continue through these methods.]
Abortion is horrific primarily because it is a process in which instruments of death invade a woman's body and kill her innocent child. Neither laws nor slogans nor attractive waiting rooms nor advanced medical equipment can change the nature of abortion.
What it is it will always be--the killing of children.
--Excerpt from Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments, Randy Alcorn (1995).

"What sow where the ground makes it its care to destroy the fruit? Where there are many efforts at abortion? Where there is murder before birth? For you do not even let the harlot remain a mere harlot, but make her a murderer also. You see how drunkenness leads to whoredom, whoredom to adultery, adultery to murder; or rather something even worse than murder. For I have no real name to give it, since it does not destroy the thing born but prevents its being born. Why then do you abuse the gift of God and fight with his laws, and follow after what is a curse as if a blessing, and make the place of procreation a chamber for murder, and arm the woman that was given for childbearing unto slaughter?"
--St. John Chrysostom, ca. 340-407 AD

"My Immaculate Heart will triumph over this ailing and materialistic humanity, bent on the mad search for pleasure and comfort, which has built a new civilization without God and has again become pagan, after almost two thousand years since the first announcing of the Gospel...
My Immaculate Heart will triumph over all my poor children, who are carrying the cross of unspeakable suffering of these last times of the purification and the great tribulation. How many are those who are far away! How numerous are the victims of my Adversary, who has established in the world today the summit of his diabolical power."
--June 30, 1994 [Valdragone]; Interior locutions of Fr. Stefan Gobbi, MMP; To the Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, (2009).

40 Days for Life Fall Campaign
Today, let us pray for the conversion of abortionists and all those who work for them. And let us pray that women who are suffering because of choosing abortion will find the healing power of the mercy of Christ.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The People of Judah...

"The people of Judah have done evil in MY eyes, declares the Lord...They have built the high burn their sons and daughters in the fire."--Jeremiah, 7:30-31

Reflection: A woman who saw the photos of aborted babies on the Priests for Life website wrote to us, "Let me state first that I am rarely if ever speechless, I am very outspoken and speak what I feel. The abortion images are jolting, and will haunt me the rest of my life...I will never be silent about this matter again."

Prayer: Jolt us, Lord; awaken us, and preserve us from sin.
--Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day, Fr. Frank Pavone (2009). Priests for Life;
**America will not stop abortion until America sees abortion--these words come from Fr. Frank Pavone. I would encourage anyone who is 'pro-choice' to visit the website and view these photos. If they do not convert you to the cause of LIFE, then may God have mercy on you...
Pray the rosary for the sanctity of human life and the conversion of abortionists, all who work for them, and all who promote this culture of death that permeates the whole world--and our President is violently exporting in our name!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Angels of Your Time...

September 29, 1994 (Omaha, Nebraska)

"Today you are celebrating the feast of the Archangels, Gabriel, Raphael and Michael.
They are the Angels of your time. They are the angels of the final time of the purification and the great tribulation.
They are the Angels of your time. To them is entrusted a special task during the period of the trial and the great chastisement. To them befalls the task of saving the people of God, of gathering, from every part of the earth, those who are being called to form part of the little remnant which will remain faithful, in the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
They are the Angels of your time. Above all, they are the Angels who reveal to you the final events described in the sealed Book.
To the Archangel Michael is entrusted the task of leading the cohorts of the angels and of my faithful children into the battle against and well equipped armies of Satan, of evil, of the satanic and masonic forces, now organized on a worldwide scale into a single great force, in order to set themselves against God and against his Christ.
Saint Michael will above all intervene to fight against the ancient enemy, Lucifer, who in the final hour will appear with all the dark power of the Antichrist. His is the task of fighting against him and of conquering him, of driving him out into his reign of darkness and fire, offering to your heavenly Mother the chain with which she will bind him, and the key with which to lock the door of the abyss, from which he will no longer be able to come out to harm the world.
To the Archangel Raphael is entrusted the mission of taking part as a heavenly physician in the great struggle, in order to help you and to heal those who are stricken and wounded.
As he restored sight to Tobit, so too will he give vision to millions of my poor children, who have been made blind by sins, by errors and by the great darkness of your days, so that they may once again believe and contemplate the divine splendor of the truth.
To the Archangel Gabriel is entrusted the great mission of announcing the return of Jesus in glory, to restore his reign in the world.
As the heavenly announcement of the first coming of my Son into the world came through him, so once again he will be the bright messenger of the coming of Jesus in glory. This second coming will take place in the power and the light, with Jesus who will appear upon the clouds of heaven, in the splendor of his divinity, to subject all things to Himself. And thus the divine power of my Son Jesus will be made manifest to the entire created universe.
To the Archangel, who is called 'Power of God' is given the task of announcing to all the closely approaching return of Christ, with the force of his divine power.
For this reason, I invite you today to honor, to pray, and to invoke the protection of these three Archangels, called to carry out such a great mission in the conclusive time of the great tribulation and to bring you into the heart of the final events, through which you are now being called to live with confidence and with great hope."
--To The Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons (2009), Marian Movement of Priests; Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP; pp.528-29 (1973-97).

Our Lady speaks of the power and necessity of the Archangels in this our time...thus, our Heavenly Father gives us an extreme form of protection against the darkness of this world. We should reach out for this protection daily.

During this '40 Days for Life Campaign' let us pray to the Archangels--especially St. Michael, to fight the lies and darkness of the culture of death, to St. Raphael, the healer--that women and men wounded by abortion will seek forgiveness, and that St. Gabriel who announced the coming of Christ over 2000 years ago will soon announce the Second Coming of Christ...the only Way, Truth and Life...

"O Lord, do not withhold Your mercy from sins have so engulfed me that I cannot see...and my heart sinks within me.--Ps. 40:12-13

Reflection: A woman who had an abortion wrote, "I was deceived by all I had read or heard...It was a rough procedure. I knew as soon as my uterus was violated that I had participated in a murder. My spirit fragmented and the evil that was in that clinic came in all around me. I lost my mind."
Prayer:I lift up to You, Lord, all those enduring mental anguish from their abortion. Send your Spirit to heal them.
--Pro-life Reflections for Every Day (2009); Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life, p. 104.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Christian citizenship as moral duty...

"Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of..."
--Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg (New York Times, July 7, 2009)

This quote is very telling, regarding the motives of those who promote the 'culture of death' throughout the world. What the Supreme Court Justice revealed is the sinister agenda of the progressive movement--to eliminate those who society deems not worthy of life--minorities, the disabled, the elderly--those who 'cost' rather than 'contribute' to society in their view.
Thus, the virulent promotion of abortion--in the United States and across the globe--with the current President and his emissaries pushing abortion on demand in some of the poorest countries in the world-- to the point of attaching aid [our tax dollars]to whether or not these nations implement 'abortion on demand' into their constitutions.
In this nation, we have abandoned our Christian duty to the most vulnerable, in particular the preborn--by electing the most pro-abortion president this nation has ever had sit in the Oval Office.
This information was not hidden in 2008--yet even among Catholics--he amassed over 50% of their votes...that is an abomination!
The Catholic Church has had the same moral teaching for over 2,000 years, thus those who voted for this President abdicated their moral responsibility by voting for him.
The Church teaches clearly on the duties of citizens. Let me quote from the Catechism, as I believe it is pertinent to the issue of defending life, and promoting moral order....
--"The citizen is obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of civil authorities when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order, to the fundamental rights of persons, or the teaching of the Gospel. Refusing obedience to civil authorities, when their demands are contrary to those of an upright conscience, finds its justification between serving God and serving the political community."--#2242
"It is part of the Church's mission 'to pass moral judgements even in matters related to politics, whenever the fundamental rights of man or the salvation of souls requires it."--#2246
"Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law."--#2271
What is the meaning of our Christian duty then if we first and foremost deny the right to life to our preborn brothers and sisters in Christ?
For those who abdicated that first duty in the 2008 election, and those who continue to seek justification for the genocide of the unborn-- as Christians we must pray for them, educate them, and deny elective office to those who promote this heinous action. We must overwhelm them by exercising our Christian moral duty in the voting booth. This November 2nd election can be our first step.
In our time, the Mother of our Lord has been intervening through apparitions and locutions to humble, holy souls...we must listen to her....
"Be witnesses of prayer. Pray always; pray with the holy rosary. Multiply cenacles of prayer, amongst you priests and with the faithful. Above all, spread all about you family cenacles, which are desired by me as a remedy for the great evils which are today threatening the life of Christian families, through the legitimizing of abortion, of divorce, and of all the methods which prevent life..."
--To The Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons (2009); Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP; #392, p.578 [October 27, 1988]

I do not believe that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg speaks for the majority of Americans. However, this sinister, progressive elite currently controlling the power in this nation will continue to have influence if we permit it.
The two new Justices appointed by the President were appointed because they share his world view. The Senate of the United States confirmed them. Christians in this nation must make it clear by the power of the ballot that we do not subscribe to the most abominable tyranny--state sanctioned homicide of the preborn. This is our duty.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Catholic Heroes

An Apocalyptic Message...

May 13, 1994 [ Bergamo, Italy]
Anniversary of the First Apparition at Fatima

"Again this year you are observing, with a day-long cenacle in the venerated shrine, the anniversary of my first apparition in the Cova da Iria in Fatima.
My Immaculate Heart opens and causes rays of my motherly and merciful love to descend upon you. It is within your time that the fulfillment of the message is taking place, the message which I have given you at Fatima and against which my Adversary has thrown himself in fury, but which will now appear in all its extraordinary importance for the Church and for all humanity.
It is an apocalyptic message.
It has regard to the end of times.
It announces and prepares for the return of my Son Jesus in glory.

--Upon this humanity which has again become pagan, enveloped in the coldness of the denial of God and of rebellion against his Law of love, corrupted by sin and evil, and over whom Satan reigns as a sure victor, I am causing the rays of love and of light from my Immaculate Heart to come down.
They shed light for you upon the way along which you must travel, to return to God along the road of conversion, of prayer and of penance.
Thus my Immaculate Heart becomes today the sure means of salvation for all this humanity, because only in my Immaculate Heart will you find refuge in the moment of the chastisement, comfort in the hour of suffering, relief in the midst of unspeakable afflictions, light in the days of densest darkness, refreshment amidst the flames of the fire which consumes, confidence and hope in a now general despair.
--Upon the Church, darkened and wounded, stricken and betrayed, I am causing the rays of love and of light from my Immaculate Heart to come down. When there will have entered into her the man of iniquity, who will bring to fulfillment the abomination of desolation which will reach its climax in the horrible sacrilege, as the great apostasy will have spread everywhere, then my Immaculate Heart will gather together the little faithful remnant which, in suffering, in prayer and in hope, will await the return of my Son Jesus in glory.
For this reason I urge you today to look to the great light which has spread out from Fatima over the events of this, your century, and which is becoming particularly strong in these last times.
Mine is an apocalyptic message, because you are in the heart of that which has been announced to you in the last and so very important book of Sacred Scripture.
I entrust to the angels of light of my Immaculate Heart the task of bringing you to an understanding of the events, now that I have opened the sealed Book for you."
--To The Priests--Our Lady's Beloved Sons, MMP (2009);Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP; #520, pp.813-15

As a reminder--these interior locutions given to this humble priest were meant first for his brother priests, with him, to establish Mary's great covert movement, the Marian Movement of Priests and then for the priests consecrated to Her to bring the faithful in. What began by the Immmaculate Mother with the cooperation of this humble priest and three other brother priests, has multiplied into over 600,000 priests worldwide and millions of the faithful. Additionally, there are many priests who have privately consecrated themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and live according to what she is asking in these messages.
Cenacles of prayer can consist of two people meditating on the messages and saying the Holy Rosary. Mary is asking in particular for Family Cenacles because of the Satanic attack on the family in this age.
Anyone wishing to have this book can contact the Marian Movement of Priests in the USA, or in your particular country. A copy will be sent. Donations for the book are accepted.
Peace to all...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Shock at the Vatican

The Pierced Soul...

September 15, 1994 [Saskatchewan, Canada]

"'A sword will pierce your soul,'(Luke, 2:35). These words, spoken by the aged Simeon at the moment when I was offering my little Child to the Lord, were proven true during the whole course of my Son Jesus' earthly life.
From his infancy threatened by snares to his hidden youth; from his public life, filled with opposition, to his condemnation to the gibbet; from his ascent of Calvary to his death on the Cross; the entire life of Jesus was a continual fulfillment of this prophecy.
It has been thus also for the Church, the Mystical Body of my Son Jesus. During its earthly journey, in the course of its history, interwoven with pain and blood, how many times my soul has been pierced by a sword!
But above all, in these latter times, is your heavenly Mother's soul pierced with immense pain.
My soul is pierced by the pain of all this poor humanity, which has distanced itself from its Lord in order to follow the idols of pleasure and comfort, of pride and money, of hatred and impurity. How great is the danger into which it can fall, the danger of destroying itself by its own hands!
And so, as an anxious Mother, I am intervening in order to lead it along the road of conversion and penance, or a return to the Lord and of its salvation. But my extraordinary interventions are not accepted; on the contrary, they are often opposed and openly rejected.
My soul is pierced in seeing my Church, prostrate beneath the weight of a most painful agony. Those errors which lead to a loss of faith are being spread more and more within it. Sin is seducing the minds and hearts of many of my children. Many are giving in to the allurements of pleasures and falling into slavery to Satan, who has succeeded in seducing the whole earth.
My Pope is becoming more and more isolated, mocked, criticized and abandoned. Many from among the bishops and the priests are going along the road of disloyalty and are fading away like lights which are now burnt out. Many voracious wolves, in sheep's clothing, are entering in to inflict slaughter on the sheepfold of my Son Jesus.
The Church is now being called to live through the hours of its passion and its bloody immolation.
My soul is pierced by many souls who are being lost and going each day into hell. Help me to save them. Help me with prayer, with suffering, with your love, with your faithfulness. For this reason I am asking you to multiply your cenacles of prayer, in the conclusive time of the great tribulation. In this way, you help me to save many of my poor children, who are walking toward their eternal perdition.
My soul is pierced in seeing into what a dire situation this great country, in which you find yourself, has fallen. It has again become pagan, a victim of materialism and of the mad search for pleasure. The Law of God is more and more violated, and the gift of life is being daily attacked through the innumerable abortions which are being carried out.
Cry out to all with a resolute voice, to tell them of my immense sorrow. Announce, without fear, that the great chastisement has already begun and that, to be saved, you must enter as quickly as possible into the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart. Here, you will be consoled by me, and you yourselves will give comfort to my soul which, especially in these times, is again being pierced by an immense sorrow."
--To The Priests-Our Lady's Beloved Sons (2009); Interior Locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP; #527, pp.826-27

Sunday, September 19, 2010

40 Days for Life....

This Falls '40 Days for Life Campaign' begins this coming Wednesday, September 22--and ends on election day, November 2, 2010. Thus, the postings on the Blog dedicated to the Mother of God and the Holy Spirit in union with Christ will focus on prayer, reflection, teaching, and our Holy Mother's words on the abomination of abortion spoken through her humble servant Fr. Stefano Gobbi and others....
Jesus tells us in Holy Scripture that some demons can only be cast out through prayer and fasting. Thus, in our time, prayer--particularly the Holy Rosary--and fasting, as well as penance are necessary weapons in casting out this abomination.
The culture of death permeates our world and is not only sanctioned, but virulently pushed by the current President of the United States and his administrators--across the globe. Our tax dollars are being spent surreptitiously across the world by influencing and promoting abortion on demand as particulars of the constitutions of sovereign nations. This is fact.
Thus, I ask all to pray, offer penance and fast of some kind over the next 40 days beginning on Wednesday that leaders will be elected who support life unconditionally--and that our nation will again return to be a beacon of life and hope for the unborn, the elderly and the disabled--all of whom are currently despised by this President, progressive elites in Congress, and all administrative departments of the current presidency...pray on your knees!

September 19, 2010

"The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion."
--Blessed Mother Teresa [Nobel Peace Prize Lecture]

Reflection: You have heard people say that being wrong on abortion outweighs being right on other issues, and that is correct. The full truth is, if you are wrong on abortion, you can't be right on other issues.
To permit abortion, but then to cry out for the right to work, housing, education, health care, and peace is to say that these other rights belong to some people but not to all.
Prayer: Lord, forgive our nation for allowing all the rights of the unborn to be taken away.
--Pro-life Reflections for Every Day, Fr. Frank Pavone, (2009);Priests for Life

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

John Smeaton, SPUC director: Pope warns governments are threatening conscientious objection

John Smeaton, SPUC director: Pope warns governments are threatening conscientious objection

These times...

Yesterday's blog post contained writings regarded Masonry in the Holy Roman Catholic Church...ecclesiastical masonry, to be correct.
I for one do not subscribe to conspiracy theories, however, in reading many sanctioned books, reports, etc.--one cannot help but to arrive at a conclusion that we are currently in, and speeding toward the times of warnings, signs, chastisements and tribulation our Holy Mother has been attempting to make known to Her children particularly over the last 100 years. Apparitions and interior locutions have been ever-increasing since Fatima in 1917. Mary's messages are urgent--calling us to conversion, penance, self-mortification and fasting to decrease the severity of the Father's justice that is coming...
So, if one looks at the state of the Church and the world over the past 30 years, one cannot deny that something has gone terribly wrong...
As with the bible, the Magisterium, and Mary's messages to the world...I cannot pick and choose that which I wish to believe and deny that which I do not want to ascribe to relative to the messages received by Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP. It is therefore, under that framework that I accept these messages, including those on ecclesiastical masonry which at first I found difficult to believe. Everything points to a powerful elite moving the world toward a one-world government. Mary tells us they are also in the Church. Will they succeed? If the faithful continue to deny what our Holy Mother asks of us--prayer (daily rosary), penance and fasting--then it will be easy for them to succeed. She also tells us that the chastisements are with us--in the initial stages--"and will become more severe...only prayer and conversion will lessen the wrath--but it is coming..."the cup of justice is overflowing."
That the Church has been attacked with great venom from within is evident. Thus, today I will post two messages relating to this latter issue. I give it in faith. Remember that the time is coming when the Holy Mass will not be celebrated anywhere in the world for 1,290 days. Thus, even if you have fallen away, come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and return to the Holy Mass and Christ in the Eucharist...

"The world is governed by very different personages than what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." Benjamin Disraeli, former Prime Minister of England.
"There is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." Pres. Woodrow Wilson

June 3, 1989

"If the Red Dragon is Marxist atheism, the black beast is Freemasonry. The Dragon manifests himself in the force of his power; the black beast on the other hand acts in the shadow, keeps out of sight and hides himself in such a way as to enter everywhere. He has the claws of a bear and the mouth of a lion, because he works everywhere with cunning and with the means of social communication, that is to say, through propaganda. The seven heads indicate the various Masonic lodges, which act everywhere in a subtle and dangerous way...the task of the Black Beast, namely of Masonry, is that of fighting, in a subtle way, but tenaciously, to obstruct souls from traveling along this way, pointed out by the Father and the Son and lit up by the gifts of the Spirit. In fact if the Red Dragon works to bring all humanity to do without God, to the denial of God, and therefore spreads the error of atheism, the aim of Masonry is not to deny God, but to blaspheme Him...This is why in these times, behind the perverse action of Freemasonry, there is being spread everywhere black masses and the satanic cult. Moreover, Masonry acts, by every means, to prevent souls from being saved and thus it endeavors to bring to nothing the redemption accomplished by Christ..."
"The task of the Masonic lodges is that of working today, with great astuteness, to bring humanity everywhere to disdain the holy law of God, to work in open opposition to the Ten Commandments, and to take away the worship due to God alone in order to offer it to certain false idols which become extolled and adored by an ever-increasing number of people:reason, flesh, money, discord, domination, violence, pleasure..."


June 29, 1983

"The Black Beast is also Masonry which has infiltrated the Church and attacks it, wounds it, and seeks by its subtle tactics to demolish it. Like a poisonous cloud, its spirit seeps in everywhere, to paralyze faith, extinguish apostolic ardor and produce an ever greater alienation from Jesus and His the attack of the Red Dragon and the Black Beast, I respond by summoning all to the battle, so that God may be ever more glorified and the Church, in its children, healed from the wounds of infidelity and apostasy..."--To The Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons (2009),MMP; Interior locutions to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, MMP;#267, pp.356-58